The 46th President Of The United States, Joseph R. Biden
Youtube Video: “Who Is Running The Country Right Now”. Posted 3-27-2021 by Dinesh D’Souza. A question that is on everybody’s minds right now.
From Republicanwire: Little Girl Groped By Biden Confirms He Pinched Her Nipple. Article published 8-4-2021. “Republican Senator Steve Daines’ niece, who was seen on camera being groped by Joe Biden when she was only eight years old, has now spoken out about the creepy, cross, and abusive incident. The leftist media tells you to ignore the numerous instances of sexual misconduct on the part of the current President*, many of which involve children, but the truth is that it should not be ignored. Daines, who was just a little girl when she was groped by Biden, confirmed via Tik Tok that he pinched her nipple”.
Article can be found here:
Youtube Video: “Biden Administration Spends $86 MIILION To House Illegal Migrants In Hotels, Americans Get Nothing”. Posted 3-21-2021 by Mr. Obvious.
From Newsbeyonddetroit: FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower. Article published 11-2021. “Since Saturday night, National File has published dozens of pages (https://national¦ from what our whistleblower has identified as the 2019 diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. The diary was started while the author was in a drug rehabilitation facility in Florida, and details her romantic interests, crumbling marriage, struggle with drug and sex addiction, and family life as her father began to run for president”. This sort of thing is nothing new – remember the George Bush daughters being raging alcoholics?
The Ashley Biden Diary:
Youtube Video: “Ashley Biden’s Diary CONFIRMED By The New York Times & FEDS”. Posted 3-21-2022 by ABL.
Youtube Video: “I Don’t Want My Kids To Grow Up In A Racial Jungle – Joe Biden”. Posted 4-24-2020 by MCSC Network. An exposing of Ol’ Joe from back in the day.
Youtube Video: “47 Years Of Joe Biden Racist Comments”. Posted 10-17-2020 by David L. Grey. A compilation of Biden’s gaffes from over the years.
Bitchute Video: “Joe Biden Drops The N-Word (Red Ice TV)”. Posted 12-21-2020 by aetius 757.
Youtube Video: “Jimmy Dore: Joe Biden a ‘WARMONGERING, SOCIOPATHIC LIAR’, Media Owned by Military-Industrial Complex”. Posted 3-27-2021 by Going Underground on RT.
Youtube Video: “Pro-Life Evangelicals Feel ‘Used, Betrayed'”. Posted 3-9-2021 by NTD. Buyer’s remorse anyone?
Youtube Video: “Dream On”. Posted 3-7-2021 by Scotty Mar10. Biden mental health, election fraud, etc.
Youtube Video: “House Passes ‘Equality Act” To End Legal Recognition of Biological Sex”. Posted 2-26-2021 by Facts Matter. Roman breaks down this stupid attempt to de-legitimize biology.
Youtube Video: “Mississippi Governor Overturns Biden’s Decision, Women’s Sports Is Now Women Only”. Posted 3-12-2021 by TFIglobal.
Youtube Video: “HR1 Creates A Royal Class Of Untouchables”. Posted 3-14-2021 by The Common Sense Show. Dave Hodges breaks down the implications for what was signed by the House in January.
Later on 6-23-2021: Youtube Video: “Senate GOP Members STRIKE DOWN The HR1 Bill”. Posted 6-23-2021 by Mr. Obvious.
Youtube Video: “America Is In Danger! This Is How Liberty DIES”. Posted 4-24-2021 by Guns & Gadgets.
Youtube Video: “Biden’s Gun Control Executive “Order” or “Actions”?… We may be getting played here…” Posted 3-29-2021 by Langley Outdoors Academy. In this video we discuss executive actions vs executive orders. There is a distinct difference, and we may be getting played people!… “When the president was the vice president in the Obama-Biden administration, he helped put in place 23 executive actions to combat gun violence. It’s one of the levers that we can use,” Psaki said at her daily press briefing. Article here:…
From The Trace: How Can a President Tackle Gun Violence Via Executive Action? Some 2020 Democrats vow to enact gun reforms by bypassing congressional gridlock. But there are limits on how much a White House can do solo. Article published 10-2-2019 by Alex Yablon. “How much power does the president actually have over gun policy? When it comes to changing laws, not much. However, as the head of the executive branch, the president can direct how its agencies enforce gun laws and influence
internal practices.
Youtube Video: “UTAH GOV SAYS I CAN NEGATE EXECUTIVE ORDERS”. Posted 3-30-2021 by The Dave Hodges Show. *Note: how can you tell when you have a Roman Catholic running the country? When he (and his handlers) begin to operate according to the old Roman Empire’s dictum: divide et impera (divide and conquer). This is being done at the state level where states are literally being turned against each other because of unconstitutional policies of the neo-communist leftists.
Bitchute Video: “The Liar Is At It Again”. Posted 3-30-2021 by Free Speech Warrior. A short segment from CNN where Biden (reading from a teleprompter) urges governors and mayors to reinstate the “mask up” policies, saying “it’s the patriotic thing to do”.
Video: “We know these masks don’t work against viruses – Doctor explains why he uses a mask despite fact”. Posted 2-2-2021. A doctor reveals that M95 masks don’t stop viruses from passing through. And this means most popular cloth masks as well.
From Masks Don’t Work: A Review Of Science Relevant To Covid-19 Social Policy. Article published 6-11-2020 by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD. “There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles. Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective dose is smaller than one aerosol particle”.
From Townhall: If Masks Work, Why Don’t They WORK? Article published 9-14-2020 by Scott Morefield. “Remember back in May and June when they said, “Hey, if everyone would just wear masks for a few weeks, it’ll all be over and we can go back to normal!” Remember that? Remember those three hairdressers using masks and COVID not spreading at all, or something, then blue state policymakers and national retailers and restaurants using that “evidence” along with a few model-based ‘studies’ to demand that every human from ages two and above wear a moist cloth diaper on his or her face, both indoors and outdoors, to “stop the spread” of a virus that poses very little harm to the vast majority of those who contract it? Remember them telling us it was only temporary, that masks had the power to stop COVID-19 right in its tracks and save grandma? Except, neither the masks nor the lockdown measures every really stopped COVID-19 in its tracks, did they? Nope, the virus just kept right on virusing, as highly-contagious respiratory viruses are prone to do”.
Youtube Video: “JUST IN DeSantis rips vaccine passports, calls them a completely unacceptable demand on citizens”. Posted 3-30-2021 by Forbes Breaking News. A press conference plus the signing of a new bill.
From the Florida State Senate: SB 72. “WHEREAS, the Federal Government, along with state and local governments, has sought to slow the spread of COVID-19 through travel bans and restrictions, quarantines, lockdowns, social distancing, and the closure of businesses or limitations on business activities, including limitations on the provision of medical services, and… WHEREAS, as the pandemic continues and recovery begins, health care providers must be able to remain focused on serving the health care needs of their respective communities and not on the potential for unfounded lawsuits, and WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that it is an overpowering public necessity to enact legislation that will deter unfounded lawsuits against individuals, businesses, health care providers, and other entities based on COVID-19-related claims, while allowing meritorious claims to proceed”.
Youtube Video: “McEnany Rips Biden’s ‘Neanderthal’ Remark, This Is What Democrats Do”. Kayleigh McEnany rebukes Biden for remarks he said concerning Texas Gov. Greg Abbott doing away with mask mandates in Texas.
From Bizpacreview: “Ric Grenell_Watch Out For ‘Shadow President’ In Biden Admin And It’s Not Kamala”. Article published 1-18-2021 by Ric Grenell. “Former acting-Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell had a telling prediction about who will be the shadow president in the incoming Biden administration. Speaking with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo about who could be Biden’s puppet master as he steps in as the nation’s 46th president. With many already speculating that Kamala Harris, as incoming vice president, may wield more power, Grenell offered up another woman tapped for the Democratic administration”.
Youtube Video: “White House Hides Biden Inauguration Stream After Massive Downvotes”. Posted 1-20-2021 by Salty Cracker. What Youtube is doing these days…
Youtube Video: “Youtube Removes The Dislike Button Because Biden Keeps Getting NUKED With Dislikes”. Posted 4-1-2021 by Mr. Obvious. A recent move by Youtube to control what people think of (mostly) Biden administration videos.
Youtube Video: “Comedians Tried to Warn You of Biden’s Stupidity – Get to Know The Puppet”. Posted 10-4-2020 by KvonComedy. We were told it’s too dangerous to go vote. But as soon as the perfect amount of mailbox ballots for the worst candidate of all time trickled in; leftists ran to the streets to party. Meet the person they want to command our troops and lead. Shameful.
Youtube Video: “The Globalists Prepare War On Domestic Terrorism”. Posted 2-15-2021 by the Corbett Report. While fumbling with domestic crises at home the Biden administration is setting up “Cold War 2.0” to keep people in fear of…China. 🙄
Youtube Video: “18 AG’s Urge Biden To Reinstate Ice Operation, Biden Using Religion As Cover – Pro-Life Activist”. Posted 2-19-2021 by NTD. Features a report issued by 18 State’s Attorney Generals to urge Biden to reinstate anti-sex trafficking programs.
Youtube Video: “What’s Up”. Posted 2-27-2021 by Scotty Films. Then-recent political news, ‘Biden’s Way’ of dropping more bombs and the raising of fuel prices, etc.
Youtube Video: “Biden used tax shelters to avoid paying taxes on $13M over 3 years”. Posted 4-5-2021 by Fox Business. Sen. Ron Johnson and Rep. Tom Emmer weigh in on Biden raising taxes while avoiding his own on ‘The Evening Edit.
Youtube Video: “Forget Antifa, This is What Biden Says We Should Fear as our Biggest Threat”. Posted 2-21-2021 by The Next News Network. “White Supremacy” is the biggest domestic terror threat to the U.S.
. In this snippet of a CNN meeting with pre-scripted questions and pre-scripted answers, Joe Biden panders to the left with another failed ideological statement. It’s not “White Supremacy” that is the biggest threat, it’s White Politicians pushing racially divisive doctrines…
The photo that Joe Biden prefers you don’t see – him with the late Senator Robert Byrd, former head of a chapter of the KKK, from 2008.
Youtube Video: “Dr. Martin Luther King’s Niece: ‘Biden Is Very Adept At Race Baiting'”. Posted 4-7-2021 by Fox News.
From The American Thinker: Joe Biden’s History Of Race Baiting. Article published 9-28-2020 by David Keltz. “On July 2, 1986, many years before the ever-frail and stumbling Joe Biden lost control of his mental capacity to deliver coherent sentences, Biden spoke at the 77th Annual NAACP Convention. In that commencement address, he did not forget the location where he was speaking, nor did he lose his train of thought as he struggled to keep up with the words on the teleprompter. The speech did, however, encapsulate Biden’s deep history of race baiting, his tenuous record with the truth, and his ability to embellish his personal history for political gain. Biden began his speech by proclaiming to a mostly black audience that “When I was 17 years old, I participated in sit-ins to desegregate restaurants and movie houses in Wilmington, Delaware.” The only problem is Biden never participated in sit-ins. He falsely claimed that he organized a walkout of a restaurant called the Charcoal Pit, except for the fact that the black student who was refused service at the time said that Biden and the other white students who were with him “weren’t aware of what happened.” Biden also falsely claimed that he picketed the last segregated movie theater in Wilmington, Delaware in 1965. Yet, according to the book Historic Theaters of Delaware, the Rialto theater that Biden supposedly picketed, had already begun admitting black patrons in May 1963, meaning that Biden would have been protesting for a right that had already existed for blacks two years earlier. Although the Washington Post gave Biden two pinocchios for these claims, it has not prevented him from continuing to tell these falsehoods anyway”.
Youtube Video: “Biden Doubles Down On Dividing America!!!” Posted 6-3-2021 by Out Of The Darkness.
Youtube Video: “Biden Has Always Been A Doofus”. Posted 4-15-2021. Features an interview with Newt Gingrich.….mp4?dl=0
Youtube Video: “Biden’s Most Awkward Gaffes – Biden 2020 Compilation”. Posted 4-4-2021. A lengthy catalog of the Divider-In-Chief’s most ridiculous statements from the campaign trail in 2020.
Youtube Poll from 3-9-2021 with 15k votes.
Youtube Video: “Psaki was asked point-blank about laws Biden supported that helped create mass incarceration”. Posted 4-23-2021 by The News Junkie’s Archives.
From The 103rd Congress, H.R. 3855. PUBLIC LAW 103-322-SEPT. 13, 1994. This Act may be cited as the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994”. This is the infamous bill that Joe Biden got passed in 1994 that sent hundreds of thousands of Black and Brown people to prisons.
Youtube Video: “Even The Bunny MUST Mask Up”. Posted 4-5-2021 by Memeology. Welcome to Clownworld 2.0. Joe Biden pushing for more lockdowns and mask mandates.
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden THREATENS Americans Who Haven’t Been Vaccinated, Says They Will PAY THE PRICE”. Posted 5-18-2021 by Mr. Obvious. A breakdown of the recent threat by Biden plus what is happening in mask-free Texas.
Youtube Video: “Biden calls Masters champ Hideki Matsuyama ‘Japanese boy’ in odd compliment”. Posted 4-17-2021. Some more of Biden’s Freudian Slips.
Youtube Video: “Biden probably doesn’t know that this is a new India that never forgets and never forgives”. Posted 4-24-2021 by TFIglobal. A scathing report on the Biden administration blocking supplies to India for it’s Covid-19 crisis.
Youtube Video: “Biden Abandons Pledge To Lower Drug Prices”. Posted 4-30-2021 by The Jimmy Dore Show. Jimmy reveals how Biden and Nancy Pelosi have failed to enact one of their campaign promises.
Youtube Video: “Biden Accuser Tara Reade FIRES BACK After Nancy Pelosi Claims ‘She Stands With Survivors'”. Posted 4-30-2021 by The Next News Network. Nancy doing what Nancy does best – obfuscating and deflecting.
Youtube Video: “Stunner – Biden Retracts EVERY Campaign Promise”. Posted 5-25-2021 by The Jimmy Dore Show. Jimmy delves into recent reports of what Biden’s handlers are doing to contradict his campaign promises.
From Senator Rick Scott: “VIDEO RELEASE Senator Rick Scott: Biden’s Inflation Crisis Demands Action”. Article published 5-31-2021 by Senator Rick Scott.
Youtube Video: “The Most Egregious Part Of The ‘For The People Act'”. Posted 6-4-2021 by Liz Wheeler.
From the 116TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. 1. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES MARCH 12, 2019. Received MARCH 13, 2019, Read the first time MARCH 14, 2019. Read the second time and placed on the calendar. AN ACT To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and for other purposes.
Youtube Video: “JUST IN: Senate GOP Condemns And Rejects Democrats’ Revised Version Of For The People Act”. Posted 6-22-2021 by Forbes Breaking News. In yet another blow to the career neo-communist politicians in Washington, DC, the Senate has formally rejected Nancy Pelosi’s HR1 bill.
Youtube Video: “The Equality Act Is The Antithesis Of Freedom And Liberty”. Posted 6-16-2021 by Liz Wheeler. Liz breaks down one of the most bogus bills submitted in Congress this year. Remember always it is the bizarre playbook of career politicians to keep people distracted and at each other’s throats while at the same time stealing millions from them.
Youtube Video: “Gov. Noem Slams Biden’s ‘Devastating’ Death Tax On The Middle Class”. Posted 6-19-2021 by Fox News. Features a clip from Texas Gov. Abbott building a wall on the southern border.
Youtube Video: “Did Joe Biden THREATEN US Citizens With Nukes!” Posted 6-25-2021 by Anthony Brian Logan. In a speech about the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Joe Biden brings up the limits placed on citizens who own firearms (cannons in this instance) and then says something bizarre.
Youtube Video: “Biden Wants You To Snitch On Family And Friends”. Posted 6-27-2021 by The Jimmy Dore Show. In yet another scheme taken from the Communist playbook, Joe Biden endorses people to spy on and turn each other in as “DVE’s” (domestic violence extremists).
Youtube Video: “Biden administration to unveil plan to combat domestic terrorism”. Posted 7-3-2021 by CBSN. The “Great Divider” Joe Biden has authorized a plan to combat “domestic [i.e. white] terrorism. Race-baiting in overdrive people.
From The Daily Bell: New Facebook Warning: “Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?” Article published 7-1-2021 by Joe Jarvis. Still think that your favorite social media platform isn’t influenced by leftist politics? Think again. “On July 1 Facebook users began receiving pop-up messages from the social media company warning them that they “may have been exposed to harmful extremist content.” It continued, “Violent groups try to manipulate your anger and disappointment. You can take action now to protect yourself and others.” It then encourages the user to “get support from experts.”
Youtube Video: “Hannity: This Isn’t A Joke, Who’s In Charge At The White House”. Posted 7-7-2021 by Fox News.
Youtube Video: “EXPOSED! Nancy Pelosi’s Insider Trading!” Posted 7-11-2021 by The Jimmy Dore Show. Another “Wealth Grab” by elected officials.
Youtube Video: “Ted Cruz Successfully Blocks Chuck Shumer’s Attempt To Pass For The People Act”. Posted 8-11-2021 by Forbes Breaking News.
Youtube Video: “Dereliction Of Duty! Biden’s Week Just Went Catastrophic Disaster With Unthinkable Backlash Event”. Posted 8-15-2021 by Lisa Haven.
Youtube Video: “Boebert – Impeach Biden, Harris, Sec. Of State Blinken If You Can Get Him Back From Vacation”. Posted 9-3-2021 by Breitbart. “An inept, weak and incapable regime”. US Rep. Lauren Boebert’s remarks following the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.
Bitchute Video: “Slimy Joe Biden”. Posted 9-18-2021. Brother Nathanael reveals more truths about Joe Biden and his corrupt administration.
Youtube Video: “Pelosi Accidentally REVEALS Who’s Pulling Biden’s Strings”. Posted 9-30-2021 by Memeology 101. Yes, the real figureheads behind Joe Biden are known, Barack Obama, Susan Rice and Ron Klein being the chief ones.
Youtube Video: “Judge Jeanine reveals who she thinks is running the White House”. Posted 10-17-2021 by Fox News.
Banned Video: “The Sexual Predator In The White House”. Posted 11-14-2021 by The Bowne Report. Deals in part with allegations of sexual misconduct by the President and his son, Hunter Biden.
Youtube Video: “State Of The Disaster”. Posted 3-2-2022 by Memeology 101. In this section of video take from Joe Biden’s ‘State of the Union’ address we see Nancy Pelosi acting like a giddy schoolgirl whilst watching Joe from behind. Bizarre to say the least…
Youtube Video: “Guess I’ll Starve to Death”. Posted 3-24-2022 by Memeology 101. Ol’ Joe at a press conference states that the food shortages in the U.S. are “gonna be real”. He then goes on to say “the price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia…but upon European countries and our country as well“.
Youtube Video: “Greatest Live TV Moment Of All Time!!!” Posted 3-1-2022 by Dr. Steve Turley. Biden picture profiled in an unrelated child molestation.
Youtube Video: “Pressure To REMOVE Joe Biden From Office Grows! The 25th Should Be Invoked In 2022”. Posted 3-31-2022 by The Liberal Hivemind. This video discusses the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Youtube Video: “This Elite Group Revealed”. Posted 4-5-2022 by Natly Denise.
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden IGNORED During Public Event!” Posted 4-7-2022 by Liberal Hivemind. Ol’ Joe appears lost and ignored during a visit by Barack Obama to the White House.
Youtube Video: “Rogue bird apparently defecates on Joe Biden as the White House flaps on inflation”. Posted 4-13-2022 by Sky News Australia. Even birds don’t like Ol’ Joe these days…
Youtube Video: “BREAKING Joe Biden’s $5.2 MILLION In Unexplained Income After Connection To Hunter Is Revealed”. Posted 4-30-2022 by The Liberal Hivemind.
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden Increasingly Senile Or Consistently Controlled Puppet For Corruption And Chinese Communist Party”. Posted 5-5-2022 by Thrivetime Show. I vote that it’s allegedly all of the above…
Banned Video: “The Obama Revolution”. Posted 5-14-2022 by The Reese Report. A look into the machine behind Joe Biden and you guessed it – former President Barack Obama is the main leader.
Youtube Video: “Half Of Joe Biden’s Twitter Followers Are Fake”. Posted 5-17-2022 by Sky News Australia. Spark Toro has found that 49.3% of Joe Biden’s followers are fake.
Youtube Video: “Elon Musk Reacts To Biden’s Fake Twitter Followers”. Posted 5-19-2022 by Sky News Australia. The Aussie media is apparently not constricted to exposing U.S. Presidents, which they do with relative aplomb.
Youtube Video: “Girl Goes Off On Liberals Who Voted Biden”. Posted 5-22-2022 by #shorts Titus Ellis Smith.
Youtube Video: “Well Isn’t That Interesting – Internet Finds Old Video , Makes Biden Look Real Bad!” Posted 6-7-2022 by The Liberal Hivemind.…%20Internet%20Finds%20OLD%20VIDEO%2C%20Makes%20Biden%20Look%20Real%20Bad%21%20Liberal%20Hivemind.mp4?dl=0
Youtube Video: “Russia, Russia, Russia”. Posted 7-4-2022 by Memeology 101. Joe Biden Russia-baiting again, as they are fond of doing.
Earlier from 2016 Hillary does the same Russia-baiting:
Youtube Video: “POTATUS Will LITERALLY Read Anything Off The Teleprompter”. Posted 7-8-2022 by Memeology 101. The expression ‘Potatus’ is s sarcastic take-off of the term Potus, which means President of the United States. By using this expression the authors of this video are calling Biden ‘the potato in chief’.
Bitchute Video: “Creepy Uncle Joe in Poltergeist 2”. Posted 1-21-2021 by Truth Videos 1984. A funny (in a creepy way) deepfakes segment showing Joe Biden’s face overlaid on the preacher in dark suit from Poltergeist 2.
Youtube Video: “NEWLY Unearthed Obama Email Reveals Who He Really Is”. Posted 7-17-2022 by The Next News Network.
Banned Video: “Democrats Attempt Massive Power Grab Ahead Of Societal Collapse”. Posted 7-18-2022 by The War Room with Owen Shroyer.
Youtube Video: “Biden’s real record on race”. Posted 7-22-2022 by TRT World.
Youtube Video: “SHOCKING This is Biden’s secret coup d’etat”. Posted 7-23-2022 by Liz Wheeler.
Banned Video: “FBI Scrambles To Protect Biden Crime Family”. Posted 7-28-2022 by The Bowne Report.
Youtube Video: “High Strangeness With Joe Biden”. Posted 7-31-2022 by Podcast of the Lotus Eaters. Delves into a recent event where Joe Biden admitted that he had cancer.
Bitchute Video: “What Is It That Makes Them So Arrogant In Their Evil”. Posted 6-17-2022 by Think About It. What is it? They are drunk on wealth, power and control. This has been their downfall over many, many centuries in this world.
Banned Video: “Bizarro Biden Emerges Juiced To The Gills”. Posted 7-31-2022 by The Bowne Report.
Banned Video: “Liberal Woman Cries During Interview Over How Bad Life Has Been Since Biden Election”. Posted 8-1-2022 by The War Room With Owen Shroyer.
Youtube Video: “Biden Now Wants To Help People He Put Into Prison”. Posted 8-2-2022 by The Jimmy Dore Show. Old Joe Biden feeling the heat from what many are saying will be a ‘red wave’ this fall.
Youtube Video: “Biden Threatens Mexico Over Oil!”. Posted 8-21-2022 by The Jimmy Dore Show.
Banned Video: “Ultimate Racist Joe Biden Compilation”. Posted 8-24-2022 by The War Room. Such a despicable sociopath? You decide.
Youtube Video: “Rare Footage Of Biden 1987”. Posted 8-31-2022 by Stand Your Ground America. Biden drops out of a race due to revelations of his university plagiarism.
Youtube Video: “She thought NO ONE was paying attention”. Posted 9-11-2022 by Sivaady. Camela saying something ludicrous…and actually true…when you take the covers off what these idiots have been doing “the past 18 months”.
#Subset Topic: Joe Biden’s “Handlers”
*Note: the term “Handlers” is used when identifying people who train wild animals such as Chimpanzees, wild cats and Lions. It is also used by the boxing world to identify trainers and coaches.
Youtube Video: “Biden Handlers BREAK SILENCE After Leaked Photos Catch Him with Teleprompter – NO ONE Believes Them”. Posted 9-26-2020 by The Next News Network. The teleprompter scandals.
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden’s handlers repeatedly cut off an interviewer’s questions after Biden botches basic facts”. Posted 7-15-2020 by Trump War Room. WATCH: Joe Biden’s handlers repeatedly cut off an interviewer’s questions after Biden botches basic facts.
Youtube Video: “Why does Joe Biden always have HANDLERS around???” Posted 10-8-2020 by JoeBidenisSick. Biden is almost always seen with handlers, helping him navigate social situations and providing physical support as seen here. Biden’s difficulties with rigidity and Parkinsonian gait make it clear why he always has handlers around. The handlers seen in this film are the same familiar—smaller, female archetypes. This is by design. Biden needs these handlers not only to protect him from any of his psychological and behavioral symptoms of Parkinson’s, but also to physically help him move around.
Youtube Video: “The leader of the Western World is ‘cognitively deficient'”. Posted 4-1-2021 by Sky News Australia.
Youtube Video: “The Two People Pulling Joe Biden’s Strings”. Posted 4-3-2021 by Bill O’Reilly. Discusses Susan Rice and Ron Klein, both from the old Obama administration.
Youtube Video: “The MOST Popular President In History”. Posted 4-6-2021 by Memology. Reveals Youtube’s policy of removing the thousands of ‘dislikes’ from White House videos.
Youtube Video: “WHOOPS! Creepy Joe Slips Again At Mexican Restaurant – His Handlers Will Not Be Pleased”. Posted 5-21-2021 by The Next News Network. Features Joe Biden saying “I’ll get in trouble” when asked to pose for a group photo. In trouble with who??
Youtube Video: “Biden’s Hyenas Go Berserk After Joe Takes Massive L”. Posted 3-20-2022 by Memeology 101. In this short section of video, Joe holds a press conference with Sauli Niinistö the President of Finland. Watch for the reaction of Biden’s Handlers at the end.
Youtube Video: “Certified Potato Moment”. Posted 8-5-2022 by Memeology 101. One of Biden’s handlers revealed.
#Subset Topic: Does Joe Biden Use A Body Double?
Youtube Video: “Faux Biden”. Posted 2-13-2021 by Daniel Frost. It is stated in some circles that Joe Biden was switched out with an imposter around 2018 due to either health complications or potential legal issues. This video highlights the obvious differences of the faux Joe Biden and the real Joe Biden. You be the judge.
From James Fetzer: Jim Fetzer, The Real Joe Biden vs. The Actor “Joe Biden”. Article published 11-8-2020 by James Fetzer. “[Editor’s note: Having previously published that the Debate “Biden” and Joe Biden are not one and the same, I am delighted to have this convincing photo to confirm the accuracy of my observation. We now stand in the highly anomalous circumstances that the man most Americans (at this point in time) believe will be inaugurated as President of the United States on 20 January 2020 turns out to be a complete unknown, whom the DNC and its allies substituted for reasons explained in my Complaint (below)”.
Youtube Video: “Biden handler admits Biden lied about taking a cognitive test!”. Posted 7-3-2020 by Donald J. Trump. WATCH: One of Joe Biden’s handlers admits Biden lied when he said he’s been “tested” for cognitive ability. Why is Biden avoiding taking a cognitive test?
Hillary Clinton’s Body Double 2016.
Youtube Video: “Hillary Clinton’s Body Double Rakes Controversies”. Posted 9-15-2016 by India Today. This video and others like it proved that Hillary Clinton used a body double, this after a fainting episode following the 9/11 ceremony held that year.
From Rense: More Proof Of A Hillary Clinton Body Double – Photos. Article published 9-12-2016 by Jeff Rense. “Note – I received the following information early this morning. I am posting it as a matter of national public interest. It has been edited for clarity and easier reading… “That was most defiantly a body double leaving the apartment building yesterday in NYC and it was not Hillary. The impersonator’s name is Theresa Barnwell from NC. I checked the door of the building and she (Barnwell) is about 5 feet tall…about 6.5 inches shorter than Hillary. Also, she has hazel eyes and Hillary has blue…see the photos below. Notice the Barnwell body frame. Hillary has big hips, big stomach, big butt. This women is 15-20 lbs lighter and has skinny legs where Hillary has fat legs. Hillary has jowls under her chin. Appears this woman has had facial surgery but they did not do the same to Hillary. I also found photos her standing next to famous people and tracked her height from that Giuliani, John Voight, Jay Leno, Geraldo Rivera. She, ‘Barnwell’ is about 5 feet tall. Which means any clothes she is wearing especially pants have to be adjusted! This woman’s nose is very pointy and her teeth are very pronounced while Hillary’s look uncapped and uneven. This ‘Barnwell’ woman is short. The two are together in the first photo a clear 5-6 ” difference! There is a 7 year difference in age and about a 15 –
20 lb difference in their weight”.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a.k.a. “AOC”
Youtube Video: “The Truth About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez”. Posted 3-30-2019 by The Truth Factory. Promoted by George Soros, the Justice Democrats and BLM, this one-time bartender has been put into office deliberately to push a Socialist agenda.
From The Daily Sheeple: Busted: AOC uses staged photos of herself by a chain link fence to promote her ‘Concentration Camp’ narrative. Article published 6-26-2019 by Sean Walton. “On Monday, democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was criticized for pushing photos of herself seemingly intended to help quell the blowback she’s received from equating detention centers at the United States/Mexico border with WWII-era concentration camps”.
AOC at a staged photo-op allegedly outside of a migrant detention facility in Texas.
From a comment posted with this Twitter photo: “Did the cars cause all that pain and anguish?”.
Youtube Video: “AOC Wants Congress To Rein-In The Media”. Posted 1-21-2021 by Liz Wheeler. What happens when you get exposed by the media for your numerous pranks? You call for the media to be legislated. 🙄.
Youtube Video: “Twitter EXPOSES AOC For LYING About the Capitol Riot, She Was Not In The Building”. Posted 2-3-2021 by Mr. Obvious. AOC caught being disingenuous.
Youtube Video: “Alexandria Ocasio Smollet”. Posted 2-3-2021 by Memeology. A compilation of AOC’s recent statements.
Youtube Video: “AlexandriaOcasioSmollett”. Posted 2-4-2021 by The United Spot. Satirical take on AOC.
Youtube Video: “AOC Lashes Out At Border Critics Using The Word SURGE”. Posted 3-31-2021 by The Jimmy Dore Show.
Banned Video: “Exclusive Video Biden’s Massive Illegal Immigrant Pipeline EXPOSED”. Posted 4-1-2021 by Banned Video.
Youtube Video: “AOC ‘far less vocal’ about overflowing detention facilities under Biden”. Posted 4-3-201 by Sky News Australia. Leave it to the Aussies to expose what is going on in American politics.
Youtube Video: “AOC Bizarre Deflection About Kids In Cages”. Posted 4-3-2021 by The Jimmy Dore Show.
From World Breaking News: Study declares AOC one of the least effective members of Congress. Article published 4-3-2021. “She’s the queen of Twitter — but less successful at lawmaking. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was among the least effective members of the last Congress, according to a new survey from the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking — a joint project of Vanderbilt University and the University of Virginia. Ocasio-Cortez introduced a total of 21 bills that the center defined as “substantive” — but that is where the story ends. Her legislation received no action in committees, no floor votes, and none ever became law, according to the center, which takes its data from”.
From The Center For Effective Lawmaking. Scores of House and Senate members. AOC at least ranks better than fellow-Democrats Jim Acosta and Nancy Pelosi. Sad…
Youtube Video: “AOC Defending Biden’s Barbaric Border Policy Called Out”. Posted 4-5-2021 by The Jimmy Dore Show.
Banned Video: “No, Alex Jones Did Not Stage This Video”. Posted 4-9-2021 by Banned Video. This is from the reaction of Alex Jones stopping a man with a carload of immigrant juveniles outside a Catholic charities office, which resulted in the police being called. Child trafficking at the southern border with Mexico has been a serious problem since the Biden administration has taken power.
Youtube Video: “Where’s AOC”. Posted 4-10-2021 by The Next News Network. Profiles a boy abandoned at the U.S. border with Mexico.
From Breitbart: ‘Biden Should Be Ashamed’: GOP Says Border Crisis Feeding Child Sex Trafficking. Article published 3-19-2021 by Edwin Mora. “The migrant surge is boosting the smuggling of children for forced labor and sexual exploitation, converting the border into a “huge market” for “child sex trafficking,” Rep. Maria Salazar (R-FL) said this week”.
Youtube Video: “AOC Uses Her Own Poor Granny As A Political Prop To ATTACK Trump”. Posted 6-5-2021 by Anthony Brian Logan. Some more of this woman’s deceitful antics.
From NBC News: Fentanyl seizures at U.S. southern border rise dramatically. Federal agents say the powerful synthetic opioid is becoming a drug of choice for the cartels because it’s highly profitable and easier to smuggle. Article published 6-29-2021 by Gabe Gutierrez and Al Henkle. “EL PASO, Texas — Federal agents in this section of the southern border say they’ve seen a staggering 4,000 percent increase in fentanyl seizures over the last three years. Those busts are not at ports of entry, where most smuggled drugs are typically found. The Border Patrol says the rising amount of fentanyl is being found in the desert – transported by increasingly brazen smugglers who are exploiting stretched federal resources”.
Youtube Video: “Illegal Beheads Man & Plays Soccer With His Head”. Posted 7-3-2021 by Salty Cracker. Salty plays clips of AOC calling for the defunding of ICE while an illegal immigrant gets charged with murder. Coming to a town near you!
From Axios: Exclusive: Government can’t reach one-in-three released migrant kids. Article published 9-1-2021 by Stef W. Kight. “The U.S. government has lost contact with thousands of migrant children released from its custody, according to data obtained by Axios through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Why it matters: Roughly one-in-three calls made to released migrant kids or their sponsors between January and May went unanswered, raising questions about the government’s ability to protect minors after they’re released to family members or others in the U.S.”. This nation already has a large population of undocumented aliens and this is very concerning, especially in terms of the sizeable numbers of children sex-trafficked currently.
Youtube Video: “AOC Screamed, Heckled Out Of Event By New Yorkers, Stacy Abrams KILL Americans To Lower Inflation”. Posted 10-20-2022 by Benny Johnson. One of the most prominent grifters in politics, the Soros/Justice Democrats/BLM endorsed phony Socialist AOC gets heckled at her own town hall by New Yorkers fed up with her pro-war stance on Ukraine.
Robert Hunter Biden
*Note: Joe Biden’s son Hunter has a drug addiction. This is not secret news. However the following posts should NOT be taken as an attempt to slander, harass, humiliate, harm or otherwise “dump” on Hunter Biden. We are simply pointing out the facts and they run much deeper than people think. Snopes, which has for years attempted to quash any stories about Democrat’s misdoings, had to admit that this photo was real.
Video: “Hunter Biden Smoking Meth/Crack While Getting A Penile Foot Massage”. Posted 2-2021. In this video you will see a Chinese man speaking at the National Press Club in Wash. D.C., about two Red Chinese plans to “trap” Americans. The first is the “BGY” plan (blue, gold, yellow), and the second is the “3F” plan. The BGY according to this video, is to “take advantage of all those Western politicians, celebrities, and their families who are greedy for Chinese wealth, and threaten them by getting hold of and recording their sex and drug videos, forcing them to sell out their countries and people, and even their own national security in order to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party’s world domination”. The video then claims that Joe Biden is “100% controlled” by the CCP, and is also “a target of the CCP’s 3F plan, which aims to ‘fall, fail and fell’, to weaken, destroy and kill America”. There is always a bigger picture to things than are being portrayed in the US media, and the compromising of our so-called “elected officials” is one of them. 18+ years of age to watch this video please!
Youtube Video: “US Election 2020: Hunter Biden’s connection with China & Ukraine”. Posted 9-24-2020 by WION. Six weeks before election, Republican-led senate committee releases report on Hunter Biden’s financial dealings with the Chinese Communist Party & Ukraine government. given the timing of this politically charged report, will this revelation overshadow the first presidential debate? or cost Joe Biden his presidency?
From Fox News: GOP report claims Hunter Biden paid women linked to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring. Article published 9-25-2020 by Fox News. “Among the deluge of explosive claims tucked inside the new Senate Republican report about Hunter Biden’s business dealings is the allegation that the Democratic presidential nominee’s son has a history of paying Russian or Eastern European women linked to sex trafficking. While the 87-page report, which was released on Wednesday, provided few specific details regarding the allegation, it pointed to a number of Russian- and Ukrainian connected transactions. “Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an ‘Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring,’” read the report from the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Finance Committees”.
From the SUN: What Is The Alleged Video Of Hunter Biden Smoking Crack? Article published 10-14-2020 by David Boroff. This article details in brief Hunter Biden’s relationship with “Beijing-based investment firm BHR Partners” and Burisma where “Hunter was employed by Burisma, a holding company based in Ukraine”.
Full article here:
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired”. Posted 9-20-2019 by dagalagas. The date typo on the opening screen is corrected below: In 2016 Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, in his investigation of corruption involving Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company, identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $3,000,000 from the company. Not wanting this corruption exposed, Joe Biden swung into action, using US loan guarantees as hostage while demanding Skokin be fired. Amazingly, Joe Biden now brags about his actions in this matter.
Youtube Video: “$125 Million Of Biden Aid To Ukraine”. Posted 3-26-2021 by The Dave Hodges Show. Dave breaks down the “Aid Package” to Ukraine.
From top left Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Mitt Romney.
Youtube Video: “The MSM Lied About Hunter Biden”. Posted 12-19-2020 by Liz Wheeler. Liz reveals some of the corruption goin on in today’s social and main stream media.
Youtube Video: “SPECIAL REPORT: Inside Joe Biden’s corruption scandal and the social media cover-up”. Posted 10-25-2020 by Sky News Australia. A special senate investigation has detailed how the son of presidential hopeful Joe Biden may have used his father’s position in the White House to amass wealth and power. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs published the report titled ‘Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on US Government Policy and Related Concerns’. Sky News Australia breaks down this 87-page document which examines possible conflicts of interest in foreign business while Joe Biden was vice president in Barack Obama’s administration. The report found that the Obama administration knew Hunter Biden’s presence on the board of the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma was “problematic” and “interfered” in the “execution of policy” with Ukraine.
From Swiss Policy Research: The Biden Ukraine Bribe Tapes. Article published 11-2020. “Leaked phone recordings corroborate Joe Biden’s involvement in international corruption. The one-hour investigation “Biden’s Bribe Tapes”, produced by conservative US news channel OAN between June and August 2020, includes the original leaked phone recordings between Biden and then Ukrainian President Poroshenko and many key witness testimonies. They show how Biden’s son was installed on the board of a Ukrainian gas company (Burisma), how Biden prevented a legal investigation against the company by the Ukrainian state prosecutor (and got him fired), and how Biden initiated a cover-up after the unexpected election of Donald Trump in November 2016.
Video: “Biden Bribe Tapes OANN”. Posted 11-2020.
From Unian: Ukraine’s former prosecutor general claims survived mercury poisoning. Article published 2020. “He went on to suggest that it was Joe Biden who could stand behind the attempt. Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin claims he survived
mercury poisoning in September 2019″.
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden manages to ‘sneakily’ and ‘cunningly’ evade problems with son Hunter Biden”. Posted 2-9-2021 by Sky News Australia.
Banned Video: “BREAKING Ukranian MEP Releases Further Biden Tapes”. Posted 2-14-2021 by Banned Video. YouTube has censored these tapes which outline Joe Biden controlling Ukrainian security services.
From the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate Committee on Finance Majority Staff Report. Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns.
Burisma Holdings Accounting Ledger. Pertinent information in yellow highlight.
Youtube Video: “Hunter Is Ghetto”. Posted 3-27-2021 by Natly Denise. Natly covers some of the recent developments in the Hunter Biden gun story.
From Politico: Sources: Secret Service inserted itself into case of Hunter Biden’s gun. Article published 3-25-2021 by Tara Palmeri and Ben Schreckinger. “On Oct. 23, 2018, President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and daughter in law Hallie were involved in a bizarre incident in which Hallie took Hunter’s gun and threw it in a trash can behind a grocery store, only to return later to find it gone… But a curious thing happened at the time: Secret Service agents approached the owner of the store where Hunter bought the gun and asked to take the paperwork involving the sale, according to two people, one of whom has firsthand knowledge of the episode and the other was briefed by a Secret Service agent after the fact”.
Youtube Video: “Laptop evidence ‘strongly indicates’ Joe Biden is compromised on China”. Posted 4-7-2021 by Sky News Australia.
Youtube Video: “CONFIRMED Laptop Belongs To Hunter Biden – Media Remains SILENT!” Posted 4-11-2021 by The Next News Network.
From Judicial Watch: ‘Breaking the News’ Reveals: Secret Service Records Show Hunter Biden Took at Least 23 flights Through Joint Base Andrews, Home of Air Force One and Two. Article published 5-24-2021 by Judicial Watch. “According to Secret Service travel records obtained by Judicial Watch, then Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter took 411 trips across 29 countries between 2009 and the middle of 2014. That includes 23 flights into or out of Joint Base Andrews—home to Air Force One and Air Force Two. These trips, which shed light on Hunter’s involvement with his father, are revealed in Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, my new book exploring the corruption that drove the establish media to cover up the Hunter Biden scandal”.
Breaking The News: Exposing The Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals And Secret Corruption.
Bitchute Video: “@George Webb Report: Chapter Two The Biden Blackwater Blackberries”. Posted 6-17-2021. Features content (since removed) from a Youtube account.
Banned Video: “Hunter Biden Texts Appear To Reveal Biden Prostitution Ring”. Posted 6-18-2021 by The War Room with Owen Shoyer.
Video: “Footage Reportedly Shows Hunter Biden Fessing Up To Prostitute”. Posted 8-17-2021 by The DC Shorts. Hunter Biden captured in a cell phone video talking to a prostitute that he apparently just had sex with.
Youtube Video: “Hunter’s Laptop Implicates Joe! Where Is DOJ?” Posted 10-16-2021 by News Max with Judicial Watch.
From Hunter Biden did business with missing mom Heidi Planck’s ‘fraudster boss’, emails show. Article published 12-21-2021. “Missing California mother Heidi Planck’s boss was in business with Hunter Biden in China. Planck, an accountant for accused [Jewish] fraudster financier Jason Sugarman, disappeared in Los Angeles on October 17. The vanishing led police to question Sugarman, who is under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for an alleged $43million fraud. A SWAT team has raided Planck’s house and police have combed through a landfill for her remains, but her mystery disappearance remains unsolved”.
Bitchute Video: “The Tragic Tale Of Hunter Biden”. Posted 3-20-2022 by Vince Vintage. This is a fairly thorough examination of the President’s son, with good references. Well worth watching.
Youtube Video: “Hunter Biden’s whistleblower to release 450 gigabytes of ‘deleted material’. Posted 4-7-2022 by Sky News Australia. Profiles Jack Maxey who claims to possess 450 gigs of ‘deleted’ content from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”.
Bitchute Video: “Here Is The Truth, Some Can Handle It And Some Cannot”. Posted 4-2022 by Dan Crenshaw. This is a reposting on Dan Crenshaw’s Bitchute channel of a video originally uploaded to Shane St.Pierre. In this video you will see a couple of photographs of allegedly Hunter Biden with a young girl, in one of them the girl is apparently performing fellatio on Hunter. Viewer discretion advised.
Bitchute Video: “The FBI really lost the child porn evidence on Biden – they think we’re stupid”. Posted 4-13-2022 by Banned Video Archive. This is a repost from The An interview with a man who discovered tens of thousands of images, many of them of young girls that Hunter Biden “thought” had been removed from his laptop.
Youtube Video: “Treasure trove of 128,000 Hunter Biden emails exposed online”. Posted 5-18-2022 by Sky News Australia.
Biden Laptop Emails. Contained in a .zip file.
Youtube Video: “Hunter made 11M from Ukraine firm accused of bribery NBC report”. Posted 5-19-2022 by Fox Business.
Youtube Video: “Hunter Biden Raked In $11 Million From China And Ukraine”. Posted 5-21-2022 by The Jimmy Dore Show. Jimmy exposes some of Hunter’s shenanigans.
Bitchute Video: “Oh Look Biden’s Crack Head Son Waiving Illegal Gun While High On Crack”. Posted 6-6-2022 by Salty Cracker.
Bitchute Video: “7 Oz Rocked”. Posted 9-20-2022 by CANST (children are not sex toys). Features a speech from about 1993 when creepy Joe Biden stood in Congress to announce his new laws to curb crack cocaine and those who use it. All of course forgotten by him when his own son got involved with it. Hypocrisy in it’s purest form.
Banned Video: “New Hunter Biden Leak Reveals Drug Fueled Orgies With Hookers While He Claims He Can’t Afford Child Support”. Posted 9-23-2022 by The War Room with Owen Shroyer.
Hunter Biden Laptop and iPhone Information Posted Online:
#Subset Topic: Hunter Biden’s iCloud Account Hacked
Youtube Video: “The Latest Hunter Biden Data Leak”. Posted 7-12-2022 by Know Your Meme. A user on the imageboard site 4chan has leaked a trove of images, videos, and audio recordings allegedly obtained by hacking the iCloud account of Hunter Biden, the son of U.S. President Joe Biden. The data leak has become a trending topic online, inspiring a surge of memes.
Bitchute Video: “Bryson Gray – HUNTER BIDEN HACKED”. Posted 7-18-2022 by Scotty Mar10.
Youtube Video: “Watch Hunter Biden films himself weighing his ‘crack'”. Posted 7-11-2022 by Sky News Australia.
Bitchute Video: “Hunter Biden’s Sex Videos And Photos – The Hunt For Red October”. Posted 10-25-2020 by IlNouveMondo. This was released from Hunter’s laptop in 2020, but provides an insight into what was hacked in 2022.
Youtube Video: “MUST WATCH The latest video from Hunter Biden’s laptop”. Posted 7-11-2022 by Liz Wheeler.
Bitchute Video: “More Revealing Pics From Hunter Biden Laptop – Obama’s True Identity Revealed & More”. Posted 4-29-2021 by Wil Paranormal.
Bitchute Video: “Hunter Biden – Low Vibrational – Drug Scenes – Dirty women on the sheets for him (& innocent nieces)”. Posted 7-12-2022 by XAndrewX.
USA Crime Video: “Hunter Biden Smoking Crack In Front Of A Mirror”. Posted 7-12-2022 by USA Crime.
Video: “Hunter Biden Leaks Exclusive Music Video – Laptop, iPhone, iCloud”. Posted 7-13-2022 by Living The Good Life. A selection of videos of Hunter with women, guns and drugs set to a rap beat.
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden’s Policies Locked Up People For Years – But Not Hunter Biden”. Posted 7-14-2022 by The Convo Couch.…BUT%20Not%20Hunter%20The%20Convo%20Couch.mp4?dl=0
Bitchute Video: “Hunter Biden Has Joe Biden Listed As ‘Pedo Peter’ On His iPhone”. Posted 7-18-2022 by Salty Cracker. Good grief, if any of this stuff is true then the US is in serious trouble.
Bitchute Video: “Hunter sicko – discretion advised”. Posted 4-22-2023 by bluewater. Shows Hunter Biden with a female.
Above From Twitter.
CNN And A Project Veritas Investigation
*Note: much of the U.S. media’s efforts at “driving public opinion” (i.e. propagandizing them) is covered in The American Empire under the heading Psywar – Psychological Warfare And Media Manipulation.
Youtube Video: “PART 1: CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from Presidency”. Posted 4-13-2021 by Project Veritas. Features an interview with Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director.
Youtube Video: “PART 2: CNN Director Reveals That Network Practices ‘Art of Manipulation’ to ‘Change The World’”. Posted 4-14-2021 by Project Veritas.
Youtube Video: “CNN Director Charlie Chester ADMITS CNN Coverage of Congressman Matt Gaetz Is ‘Propaganda’”. Posted 4-13-2021 by Project Veritas.
Youtube Video: “BUSTED: James O’Keefe Confronts CNN Director About His Claims That The Network Used ‘Propaganda'”. Posted 4-14-2021 by Project Veritas.
Youtube Video: “PART 3: Chester Says CNN ‘Trying To Help’ Black Lives Matter By Protecting Group’s Narrative On Race”. Posted 4-17-2021 by Project Veritas.
Youtube Video: “FEAR SELLS – CNN”. Posted 4-17-2021 by Project Veritas. An excerpt where Charlie Chester says that ‘fear sells’, and ‘if it bleeds it leads’. This is in a nutshell what the modern MSM has become. Sad… Originally uploaded with the hashtag Expose CNN as a title.
Youtube Video: “BUSTED: CNN Media Chief Correspondent Brian Stelter On”. Posted 4-17-2021 by Project Veritas. A Project Veritas reporter confronts the disingenuous Brian Stelter on one of his (current?) employees.
Youtube Video: “Twitter BANS Project Veritas Shortly After BOMBSHELL On CNN”. Posted 4-18-2021 by Project Veritas.
Youtube Video: “CNN Host Ana Cabrera REFUSES To Answer Questions Over Malicious On-Air Reporting About Veritas”. Posted 4-27-2021 by Project Veritas.
Youtube Video: “A New Day At CNN”. Posted 2-13-2022 by Jamie Dlux.
Joe Biden’s Continuous Attacks On The Second Amendment Of The U.S. Constitution
*Note: the Founder of the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research, Dr. Henry C. Kinley, had remarked one time back in the 1960’s that “This country has been a thorn in the side of the Roman Catholic Church since it’s founding” [in 1781]. He also stated that “the Bill of Rights wasn’t worth the paper it’s written on”. Ever since the U.S. won it’s independence from England in 1781 this country has been fighting to keep it’s sovereignty secure; the Bill of Rights was especially hated abroad because it gave citizens the power to speak their minds and defend themselves against any who would seek to usurp their freedoms. The second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was definitely hated because it allowed ordinary people to keep and bear arms which is a right unheard of in the rest of the world. The right to due process is also contradictory to almost all of Europe’s current legal infrastructure as it declares that a person shall be presumed innocent until conviction…in most of the rest of the world you are guilty until proven innocent.
Youtube Video: “Biden On 2nd Amendment: ‘No Amendment Is Absolute’ – The Five React”. Posted 4-8-2021 by Fox News. So the 1st Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech and the freedom of the press is not “absolute”? We have a President who is an allegedly lying, manipulative and cognitively-declined one at that.
From Warrior Capitalist: NO AMENDMENT IS ABSOLUTE… HUH. IS THAT A FACT? Article published 4-9-2021 by RoughCutAmerican. “What he’s really saying is: “My administration will only observe the amendments we like and can use to forward our agenda.” Hell, Joe… even your boy, Barry, understood the Bill of Rights as a “charter of negative liberties”. i.e. a limit on Federal power”.…%20Huh.%20Is%20that%20a%20fact_%20_%20WARRIOR%20CAPITALIST.pdf?dl=0
Youtube Video: “Judge Jeanine: Biden’s Gun Grab”. Posted 2-28-2021 by Fox News.
Youtube Video: “Here’s The Truth – Biden Is Lying About AR-15’s”. Posted 4-9-2021 by Liz Wheeler. Liz explains some facts.
Youtube Video: “Tucker: Everything Biden Said Was False”. Posted 4-3-2021 by Fox News. Tucker Carlson explains some facts.
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden’s Gun Control Overreach Is About Expanding Government Powers”. Posted 4-10-2021 by Real America. With Colion Noir. Colion brings up the subject of expanding government control via legislation.
Youtube Video: “THAT is why law-abiding citizens buy millions of these firearms”. Posted 2-3-2020. Originally from CSPAN3. Amy Swearer says the quiet part out loud.
From the Western Journal: FBI’s Latest Report Reveals Dem-Hated AR-15s Used in Less Than 3% of All Gun Homicides. Article published 10-3-2019 by C. Douglas Golden. The FBI figures for 2018 are a “statistical compilation of offense, arrest, and police employee data reported by law enforcement agencies voluntarily participating in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program,” according to a Monday news release. Conservative Review noted that rifles accounted for 2.1 percent of homicides and 2.9 percent of gun homicides. That’s a fairly minuscule amount when you consider what killed more people than rifles”.
Youtube Video: “More Than A Dozen States Are Trying To Nullify Federal Gun Control”. Posted 4-14-2021 by Reason TV.
Youtube Video: “150 Mass Shootings This Year”. Posted 4-18-2021 by Langley Outdoors Academy. Bradon breaks down the accurate numbers from this much-touted media talking point.
Youtube Video: “Gun Control Bills will NOT be voted on in Senate!… Schumer has them on “Pause”…” Posted 4-20-2021 by Langley Outdoors Academy. In this video, we discuss a clip from CNBC “The Shepard Smith Show” around gun control. Schumer has decided that HR 8 and HR 1446 will not go to the floor for a vote. They need to be on “pause” for the time being… This is a victory people! Let’s discuss!…%20Schumer%20has%20them%20on%20_Pause_….mp4?dl=0
Banned Video: “The 100 Year Plan To Disarm The American People”. Posted 4-17-2021 by Banned Video. Breaks down the 1934 NFA and the 1968 and 1986 Gun Control acts. All of these acts were the results of Government overreach (Congress banning the sale of alcohol in 1919 – and the 1934 NFA which was results of a huge explosion of organized crime in the U.S.) and the 1968 Act (which was the results of government hit-teams assassinating prominent Americans). Either way, the U.S. Government was at fault!
From the Spartan Firearms Training Group: A Brief History of Gun Control: A Disarmed Population Is Easier To Oppress Than An Armed One. Article published 8-30-2019 by spartan. “Some people who are anti-guns don’t believe there is a cause-effect relationship between a disarmed citizenry and mass murders of citizens by their governments; for example, refutes the relationship saying “‘Gun control’ isn’t synonymous with gun confiscation; in some cases where genocide occurred, gun restriction laws had already been in place for many years prior, and evidence does not demonstrate a causal link between gun control and mass exterminations.” ( Anyone with a basic understanding of research knows that it is very difficult to establish causal (cause and effect) relationships in the social sciences. “It’s amazing how rarely total causation is proven in social research.” ( Yet, Snopes and other anti-gunners want us to believe that because there is no cause-effect relationship between disarmament and mass murder that the examples are invalid”.
Youtube Video: “People Won’t Stop Buying Guns”. Posted 4-21-2021 by Fox News.
Youtube Video: “The Democrats Aren’t Interested In Ending ‘Gun Violence'”. Posted 6-26-2021 by The Liz Wheeler Show.
From the United Nations: The Arms Trade Treaty. This document calls for, in essence, a national firearms registry (a.k.a. a “gun registry”) among all of it’s member states. For this reason alone most people opposing the overreaching powers of the UN have joined the fight to prevent the U.S. government from adopting any such legislation towards that end. The Arms Trade Treaty has as of 9-2021 been blatantly violated by the U.S. in it’s transfer of billions of dollars-worth of weapons and technology to the Taliban government of Afghanistan.
From Gun Owners of America: “The Supreme Court today smacked down the hopes of gun grabbers across the nation,” GOA’s Senior Vice President Erich Pratt said. Article published 6-2021. “The Supreme Court unanimously rejected Biden administration arguments in a case from Rhode Island that police should be allowed to enter homes without a warrant to seize handguns. The ruling in the case, Caniglia v. Strom, court file 20-157, came May 17. “The Supreme Court today smacked down the hopes of gun grabbers across the nation,” Pratt said. “The Michael Bloombergs of the world would have loved to see the Supreme Court grant police the authority to confiscate firearms without a warrant. But the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Fourth Amendment protections in the Bill of Rights protect gun owners from such invasions into their homes.”
From The Libertarian Institute: DEMOCIDE UNDERSTANDING THE STATE’S MONOPOLY ON VIOLENCE AND THE 2nd AMENDMENT. Article published 8-13-2020 by Sam Jacobs.
Youtube Video: “LA Times praises Mexico’s suit of US Gun Manufacturers… This is OVERT Propaganda…” Posted 8-18-2021 by Langley Outdoors Academy. In today’s episode of “Bullet Points”, we respond to an editorial article from the LA Times in which they openly praise the Mexican Government for suing United States Gun Manufacturers… Let’s discuss people!
From The U.S. Supreme Court, October Term 2021: SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES
THE SECOND CIRCUIT. No. 20–843. Argued November 3, 2021—Decided June 23, 2022.
Youtube Video: “New FBI Study Says Knives Kill 2x More Than Rifles & Shotguns Combined”. Posted 10-5-2021 by Colion Noir.
Banned Video: “California Passes Law Practically Guaranteeing More School Shootings In The Future”. Posted 6-3-2022 by The American Journal.
Youtube Video: “Jerry Nadler Literally SHOCKED When Chip Roy Explains What The 2nd Amendment Is For”. Posted 6-11-2022 by Breitbart News. Jerry (Antifa is a myth) Nadler shocked to hear exactly what the 2nd Amendment is for – to protect Americans from tyrannical governments – foreign or domestic.
Banned Video: “As Democrats Call For Gun Confiscation The IRS Is Buying Millions Worth Of Ammo”. Posted 6-25-2022 by The War Room with Owen Shroyer.
Youtube Video: “Did They Just Admit Their Plan Is To Ban All Firearms”. Posted 7-21-2022 by Memeology 101. Features a clip of Jerry “Antifa is a myth” Nadler stating the obvious.
Youtube Video: “Debunking Sheila Jackson Lee’s Babble At House Assault Weapon Ban Hearing – HR 1808”. Posted 7-23-2022 by Colion Noir. Colion breaks down the numerous errors in Ms. Lee’s testimony.
Youtube Video: “Gun Gripes #337 HR 1808 Assault Weapons Ban Can It Pass HOUSE VOTING TODAY!!!”. Posted 7-30-2022 by Iraqveteran8888. Eric and Chad discuss the Assault Weapons ban bill HR1808.
From: 117TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION H. R. 1808 [Report No. 117–442]. “To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes”. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MARCH 11, 2021. “This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Assault Weapons Ban of 2022’’. This bill seeks to ban outright the sale, manufacture and transfer of most semi-automatic firearms (see the list embedded in the Bill), as well as magazines holding more than 10 rounds. The logic behind this is to “make America’s streets safer”, which essentially means disarming the public so that the criminal element who do not obey gun laws could have more free-reign on America’s streets.
Youtube Video: “HR 1808 Assault Weapons Ban Passes In The House, What’s Next?” Posted 7-30-2022 by KB32 Tactical.
Earlier In 1995: Eric Holder Said That Americans Need To Be “Brainwashed” From Their Fascination With Firearms. Just like they did with cigarettes and tobacco products.
Youtube Video: “North Carolina County Now Putting AR15’s In All Schools”. Posted 8-9-2022 by Colion Noir.
Youtube Video: “A 1000% Tax On Everything In Your Safe”. Posted 8-26-2022 by Johnny B.
From The 117th Congress 2nd Session. HR8051. June 14th, 2022. “To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose an additional 1,000 percent excise tax on the sale of large capacity ammunition feeding devices and semiautomatic assault weapons, and for other purposes”.
Youtube Video: “Biden Says AR-15’s Will Be Banned If Democrats Pick Up 2 Senate Seats In November Midterm Elections”. Posted 8-31-2022 by Colion Noir. Ol’ Joe threating to ban legally purchased weapons if they can get the Senate. This regime is trying to start a 2nd Civil War.
Youtube Video: “NY Governor Says Her Rights As Governor Trumps Constitutional Rights To Conceal Carry”. Posted 9-3-2022 by Colion Noir. To pronounce the last name of this NY sellout, you say ‘Hochul’ like you are clearing your throat.
Youtube Video: “The Truth About March For Our Lives”. Posted 10-4-2022 by The Truth Factory. Most of these types of marches are paid-for-protests with paid-for protesters arranged by anti-2nd Amendment groups.
Youtube Video: “Is Everytown For Gun Safety Paying Back Stolen Money”. Posted 11-19-2022 by Legally Armed America. Some more fallout from the FTX scandal.
Youtube Video: “Biden LIES to push assault weapons ban while Americans suffer”. Posted 11-27-2022 by Legally Armed America.
Youtube Video: “WOW Anti-2A Lawmaker Admits His Gun Laws Are Designed To Control Law-Abiding Citizens Not Criminals”. Posted 12-12-2022 by Colion Noir.
Youtube Video: “Wow, Sheila Jackson Lee Makes Pro-Gun Argument Defending Brittney Griner For Merchant Of Death”. Posted 12-12-2022 by Colion Noir. The famous case where Brittney Griner was swapped by the US State Dept. to Russia for Viktor Bout, a notorious arms dealer to the Third World.
Banned Video: “NWO Puppet Biden Lurches For Our Guns”. Posted 3-20-2023 by Infowars. ‘NWO’ means ‘new world order’. Biden obviously is not writing any of his speeches, they are written for him by a cadré of behind-the-scenes propagandists. Remember Ol’ Joe was vice-President when Barry Soetoro singed the NDAA of 2013 which allowed for the first time in U.S. history for the propagandizing of American citizens.
Bitchute Video: “Jewish TV Host Joy Behar’s Genocidal Bolshevik Ideals, Lie Get Elected, Then Take Everyone’s Guns”. Posted 3-23-2023 by Camelot Daily. Joy Behar spilling her beans…
From Colion Noir 3-23-2023.
Youtube Video: “Biden Suing To DESTROY Missouri’s 2nd Amendment Preservation Act”. Posted 8-13-2023 by Guns & Gadgets. A breakdown of a lawsuit by the Federal gov’t to have Missouri’s bill invalidated.
From: IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. STATE OF MISSOURI, et al., Defendants-Appellants. The United States brought this lawsuit to enjoin the State of Missouri and its officials from implementing H.B. 85 & 310, also called the Second Amendment Preservation Act, a state statute that purports to invalidate numerous federal laws; directs law enforcement agencies and state courts to “protect” Missouri citizens against those federal laws; deprives state officers of any authority to enforce or attempt to enforce those federal laws; and encourages adherence to its mandates by authorizing private citizens to sue state and local agencies if they fail to comply.
#Subset Topic: County Sheriffs vs. The Jewish Governor Of Illinois
Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker Who Spent $7 Mil Of His Own Sizable Fortune To Win Illinois
Youtube Video: “Illinois Wil NO Longer Arrest Criminals For Robberies, Burglaries & Much More”. Posted 9-22-2022 by Colion Noir. Colion breaks down a recent bill passed in soft-on-crime Illinois. “You are on your own”.
Youtube Video: “90 Sheriffs Rebel Against Governor, Refuse To Enforce Ban On Guns”. Posted 1-18-2023 by Facts Matter.
Youtube Video: “When The Sheriffs Tell The Governor To Go Pound Sand Over Gun Control”. Posted 1-19-2023 by Washington Gun Law.
Youtube Video: “When All The Sheriffs Turn On Your Governor Over Gun Control”. Posted 1-19-2023 by Washington Gun Law.
Earlier in 2018: From The Occidental Observer: Jews and Jewish organizations lead the gun control campaign. Article posted 2-17-2018 by Kevin MacDonald. “The Left’s irrational obsession with gun control goes beyond the latest mass shooting. It is endemic among the cosmopolitan literati, who loathe Middle America, to dwell on the risks associated with firearms while disregarding or minimizing the benefits of firearm ownership… An article from The Forward notes that the Jewish community has taken the lead in gun control and that part of it is hostility toward the gun culture of White America that is especially apparent in rural White America. Jews “instinctively recoil” from this culture”.…rol%20campaign%20%E2%80%93%20The%20Occidental%20Observer.pdf?dl=0
Youtube Video: “No Guns For Negroes”. Posted 6-4-2016 by Libertarian-ish. From a film sponsored by JPFO (Jews for The Preservation of Firearms Ownership). A hard look at the racism involved in keeping firearms out of the hands of American Blacks.
Youtube Video: “Blacks between the ages of 10 and 24 die of gun homicide at 25 times the rate of whites”. Posted 2-18-2023 by Free Your Mind. Features an interview with Heather McDonald about the numerous errors being spewed by U.S. media (and BLM propagandists) about “cop killings”.…-Free-Your-Mind.mp4?rlkey=lbpobt9xgkloahzbf8i39jj84&dl=0
Youtube Video: “20 shot at Juneteenth mass shooting last night – media quiet about the 40 in Chicago“. Posted 6-18-2023 by Legally Armed America.
Bitchute Video: “BREAKING! Illinois Supreme Court Upholds BAN On SEMIAUTOS”. Posted 8-11-2023 by High Impact Flix.
The Biden Administration’s Attempts to Pack The Supreme Court and It’s Scheme To Give Washington D.C. “Statehood” Which Is Expressly Forbidden In The U.S. Constitution
From The Heritage Foundation: D.C. Statehood Requires a Constitutional Amendment, and I’ll Put That on My Yard Sign | The Heritage Foundation. Article published 4-6-2021 by Zack Smith. “KEY TAKEAWAYS. Our nation’s capital was always meant to be unique. The founders wanted it to be a federal district, existing beyond the confines or influence of any one state. H.R. 51 would require Congress to ignore the plain command of the 23rd Amendment. Even those who support D.C. statehood admit district residents enjoy special benefits due to where they live and would enjoy an outsize influence in Congress”.
From Congress .Gov: H.R.51 – Washington, D.C. Admission Act. “Shown Here: Reported to House, Part I (04/16/2021). Washington, D.C. Admission Act. This bill provides for admission into the United States of the state of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth, composed of most of the territory of the District of Columbia. The commonwealth shall be admitted to the Union on an equal footing with the other states. The Mayor of the District of Columbia shall issue a proclamation for the first elections to Congress of two Senators and one Representative of the commonwealth”. *Note the date when this “act” was originally introduced: 1-4-2021, which means that it was prepared weeks or months in advance, and all that it’s authors were waiting for was the seizure of the Presidency (via allegedly crooked means).
Youtube Video: “Conservative legal scholar: Why DC statehood isn’t Constitutional”. Posted 3-22-2021 by Forbes Breaking News. At a House hearing, Zack Smith, a legal fellow at the Meese Center, Heritage Foundation, blasted a Democratic proposal to make DC the 51st state.
From MyFloridaLegal: Attorney General Ashley Moody News Release. Published 4-21-2021. “Attorney General Moody Demands Public Access to President Biden’s Court-Packing Commission Meetings. TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Ashley Moody is demanding President Joe Biden allow public access to every meeting of the Presidential Commission on the U.S. Supreme Court. According to news reports, the Commission will examine expanding the nation’s highest court—a political power grab maneuver known as court packing. Attorney General Moody sent a letter to President Biden reminding the president that all meetings of the newly-created advisory commission must be open to the public in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, U.S.C. app. 2 § 10(a)(1). Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “The potential political takeover of our courts is a threat to the foundation of our system of government and the separation of powers instilled in our Constitution. As Florida’s Attorney General, I will do everything in my power to stand against President Biden’s radical power grab. “The Federal Advisory Committee Act is designed to ensure public access to all meetings of advisory committees like President Biden’s Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. We must be allowed to observe and challenge any and all undemocratic, un-American policy recommendations that threaten our democracy. If the president ignores my request to conduct these meetings in the sunshine, I will utilize the full power entrusted to me by the voters of Florida to preserve America’s judicial system.”
Youtube Video: “Attorney General Moody Demands Public Access to President Biden’s Court-Packing Commission Meetings”. Posted 4-20-2021 by FL Attorney General Ashley Moody. I’m Attorney General Ashley Moody with a warning about the path our president and some members of Congress appear to be leading us down.
From Ashley Moody Attorney General: To The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Letter published 4-20-2021. “Re: Executive Order 14023. Dear President Biden: I was disappointed to read your April 9, 2021 Executive Order (“EO 14023″) regarding packing of the United States Supreme Court. The Court’s job is to interpret the law, not to implement the political will of one party”.
Youtube Video: “Wheeler Exposes The Dem’s Ulterior Motive For D.C. Statehood”. Posted 6-17-2021 by Liz Wheeler.
Youtube Poll sponsored by Judicial Watch from 8-31-2021 with 6.9k votes.
Maricopa County’s Audit Of The 2020 Elections And Related Voter Fraud In Other States
*Note: the Election Fraud that occurred during the 2020 elections was orchestrated at levels never before seen in U.S. history. There have been election irregularities in every election held basically since the days of Ulysses S. Grant, but never at the extreme amounts witnessed in 2020. As far as the Maricopa Arizona audit is concerned, election officials there have hindered, deflected, obfuscated, stalled, failed to comply with the Arizona Senate’s demands and generally disobeyed every lawful request to comply with the 2021 audit. If they had nothing to hide in the first place, then why all of the ducking and dodging?
Previously in 2020: Youtube Video: “Christina Bobb: Biden Lost So Badly The Mass Fraud Failed”. Posted 11-16-2020 by OANN. “We’ve been living with a tolerable level of fraud for several years, if not decades”.
From The Washington Post: Disputed presidential elections: A guide to 200 years of ballot box ugliness. Article published 9-28-2020 by Robert Mitchell. “Allegations of vote fraud. Charges of corrupt power grabs. Fears of civil strife by angry partisans. Ripped from today’s headlines? Yes — and no”.
Previously in 2020: Youtube Video: “600,000 For Biden, 3200 For Trump – Witness Testifies Voting Machines ‘Built To Be Manipulated'”. Posted 11-28-2020 by NTD.
Previously in 2020: Youtube Video: “Video Suitcases Filled With Ballots, Hidden Under Table, Counted Without Oversight”. Posted 12-30-2020 by Facts Matter.
Brighteon Video: “100% Forensic Scientific Evidence of 2020 election Voter Fraud, Jovan Pulitzer Senate Hearing”. Posted 1-25-2021 by Think Outside of the Box. GA Senate hearing from 12-30-2020. This is the Most hard evidence of Voter Fraud for 2020 presidential election. Good Luck Debunking it. President Trump Wins the 2020 election.
Brighteon Video: “Election Fraud against Donald Trump Exposed- Game On”. Posted 2-2021 by Truth. Mike Lindell, Philip Waldron, Dr. Shiva, Patrick Colbeck, and others produce the evidence we’ve been waiting for.
Youtube Video: “Audit Of 2.1 Million Ballots Begins In Maricopa County; Real-Time Camera Footage”. Posted 4-26-2021 by Facts Matter.
Banned Video: “Roger Stone Says Maricopa County Audit Could Potentially Change Election Results”. Posted 4-28-2021 by Infowars. With Owen Shroyer and Roger Stone.
Banned Video: “Mathematician Who Testified At AZ Voter Fraud Hearing Exposes Phantom Voting”. Posted 4-30-2021.
Youtube Video: “Arizona Audit On Pace To Finish By Deadline, New Documents Reveal Big Tech Collusion”. Posted 4-30-2021 by Facts Matter.
Youtube Video: “Arizona Election Audit Update!!!”. Posted 5-1-2021.
Youtube Video: “Shock Biden Caught Red-Handed In His Disgusting Plan To Undermine Arizona Audit”. Posted 5-1-2021 by An Long An.
Youtube Video: “Dominion Whistleblower For Michigan State”. Posted 5-3-2021 by Cutta23. An interview with a whistleblower at a hearing.
Youtube Video: “Checkmate In Maricopa”. Posted 5-102021 by Out Of The Darkness.
Youtube Video: “Arizona Senate Tells Maricopa Officials To Turn Over Routers Or Face Subpoenas”. Posted 5-10-2021 by Facts Matter. With Roman Balmakov.
From The Gateway Pundit: IT EXPERT: Maricopa County Officials Refuse to Provide Routers and Passwords to Senate Auditors – They Don’t Want Public to Know Where Data Was Sent and When It Was Sent. Article published 5-10-2021 by Joe Hoft. “We noted that the Sherriff of Maricopa County, Paul Penzone, was cc’d in the letter. He is probably better known for the $2 million in support from George Soros in 2016 in the Deep State’s effort to see Sheriff Joe [Arpaio] lose for the first time in seven elections. This was reported in Arizona at the time: When Paul Penzone ran for Maricopa County sheriff in 2016, he famously received a $2 million contribution from billionaire George Soros — the liberal philanthropist’s single biggest investment in a local race that year. The Democratic ex-Phoenix police officer won the race, stopping Republican Joe Arpaio from obtaining a seventh term in office”.
Youtube Video: “House Witness: Voter Rolls Filled With Names Of People Who Have Moved, Died Or Are Not US Citizens”. Posted 5-24-2021 by Forbes Breaking News.
Brighteon Video: “RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged!” Posted 5-25-2021 by Martin Brodel.
Youtube Video: “BREAKING Windham NH Auditors Tampered With Machines”. Posted 5-28-2021 by Nick Moseder.
Youtube Video: “Wisconsin Launches Investigation Into 2020 Election, Will Use Retired Officers”. Posted 5-31-2021 by Facts Matter.
Youtube Video: “Maricopa County Duplicate Ballots Do Not Have Matching Original Ballots”. Posted 5-19-2021 by NewsNet.
Youtube Video: “Maricopa County System Has Capability For Verizon Wireless Cards, Forensic Team Needs Password Access”. Posted 5-19-2021 by NewsNet.
Youtube Video: “Maricopa County Refuses To Provide Chain Of Custody Documents For 2.1 MM Ballots From Nov. Election”. Posted 5-21-2021 by NewsNet.
Youtube Video: “WHAT! Hacking Machines Is So Easy”. Posted 5-27-2021 by Hillary Hill.
Youtube Video: “Dominion Contractor. The is an avenue for fraud”. Posted 7-21-2021 by ESUPLOAD. A Dominion voting machines contractor describes the hackability of their devices.
Youtube Video: “Project Veritas Catches Beto Campaign Workers Committing Campaign Fraud”. Posted 11-18-2021 by Project Veritas.
From Decertify: DECERTIFY: Arizona Audit Finds Trump Won State By Large Margin. Article published 9-27-2021 by Jamie White. “Audit found numerous fraudulent ballots, unsigned ballot envelopes and 17,000 duplicate votes, more than enough to decertify election results. Thousands of other discrepancies found, including dead people voting, mail-in ballot shenanigans, signature verification anomalies and extra votes”.
Banned Video: “‘Biden Won By Cheating’ Arizona Audit Finds”. Posted 9-29-2021 by The Alex Jones Show. Alex breaks down how Joe Biden won the state of Arizona by 50,000 votes – but if you remove the fraudulent ones he actually LOST by 40,000. This is what American politics has turned into – a side show of corrupt people deciding elections by fraudulent means. Sad…
Banned Video: “2000 Mules Review And Response”. Posted 5-11-2022 by The War Room with Owen Shroyer. Owen provides a review of Dinesh D’Souza’s film ‘2000 Mules’ which highlights ballot-box stuffing and related voting fraud from the 2020 elections.
Youtube Video: “2000 Mules Sparks County Sheriff To Initiate 2020 Fraud Investigation – 16 Cases Already Open”. Posted 5-14-2022 by Facts Matter.
Bitchute Video: “2000 Mules (The Stolen Presidential Election)”. Posted 5-16-2022 by Think Like A Cop. Here is the full one-and-a-half-hour film by D’Souza Media on the US 2020 elections.
Youtube Video: “#Revealed Nursing Homes FORCED Incapacitated Elderly To Vote”. Posted 5-20-2022 by Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov.
Youtube Video: “Ballot Mules Funded By Obama-Linked NGO’s Pouring Billions Into ‘Local Insurgencies'”. Posted 6-4-2022 by Facts Matter.
Youtube Video: “Former Mayor Pleads Guilty to Ballot Fraud 2 Days After ‘2000 Mules’ Researchers Give Presentation”. Posted 6-7-2022 by Facts Matter.
Youtube Video: “2000 Mules Team Presents Evidence Of 243 Mules Visiting 5700 Drop Boxes to State Legislature”. Posted 6-15-2022 by Facts Matter. The ‘True the Vote’ researchers present evidence.
Youtube Video: “Examining 2000 Mules Ep. 145”. Posted 7-9-2022 by Liz Wheeler.
Banned Video: “Deep State Burns Drug-Abusing Obama Acolyte”. Posted 6-25-2022 by The Alex Jones Show. This is about Andrew Gillam, the corrupt Democrat who ran for the Governor’s office in 2019 in Florida.
Banned Video: “2020 Election Report Proves Georgia Was Massively Stolen Trump Won Georgia”. Posted 7-26-2022 by The Illegitimate Presidency of Joe Biden.
Youtube Video: “This is the most dangerous man in America”. Posted 8-16-2022 by Liz Wheeler. Liz exposes the Jewish man Mark Elias for his role in subverting the 2020 elections.
Mark Elias Wikipedia page:
Banned Video: “Arizona Voter Fraud Reveals Our Government Is Far More Corrupt Than We Realize”. Posted 3-4-2023 by The Bowne Report.
Youtube Video: “That Sounds Kind Of Fascist”. Posted 3-4-2023 by Memeology 101. Profiles statements made by the two-faced Jewish Senator from NY Charles “Chucky” Schumer, concerning elections.…%20Memeology%20101%203-4-23%20Bit.mp4?dl=0
#Subset Topic: AZ Gubernatorial Elections 2022 Kari Lake (R) vs. Katie Hobbs (D)
Youtube Video: “AZ TV Station CAUGHT Airing Election Results EARLY Showing Kari Lake LOSING – Here’s Their Excuse”. Posted 10-25-2022 by The Next News Network. Some more AZ election shenanigans.
Youtube Video: “Fox Station Accidentally Shows Results From The Arizona Governor’s Race 12 Days Before The Election”. Posted 10-28-2022 by Memeology 101.
Youtube Video: “Katie Hobbs AZ Gov. Candidate Hides From Project Veritas”. Posted 11-23-2022. Katie Hobbs skedaddles when confronted by a PV interviewer. LOL.
#Subset Topic: The 2021 Recall Campaign Against California Democrat “Gruesome” Newsom
Banned Video: “WTF! YES To Recall Drops 400k Votes LIVE On TV”. Posted 9-16-2021 by Hot Videos. Still think that your votes count? After watching this video you won’t be. 400k votes vanish from the totals giving Newsome a larger lead. Gavin Newsome is by the way a cousin of the corrupt House Drinker Nancy Pelosi.
Blowback From The January 6th Event At The U.S. Capitol In Washington, DC
UPDATE Identity Of The Policeman Who Shot And Killed Ashli Babbitt Still Unknown Despite DC Mandating Transparency In Police-Related Shootings. Article published 2-26-2021 by CauseACTION Clarion.
From The Gateway Pundit: The Identity of the Capitol Policeman Who Shot Unarmed Ashli Babbitt Dead Has Not Yet Been Released – Why Is That? Article published 1-13-2021 by Joe Hoft.
Youtube Video: “Who Executed Ashli Babbitt GOP Lawmaker Grills Ex-Acting AG Over Response To January 6th”. Posted 5-22-2021 by Forbes Breaking News.
From The Gateway Pundit: EXCLUSIVE: US Capitol Doors on Jan. 6 Were Magnetically Locked – Someone Inside Capitol Security Had to Release the Lock to Open the Doors (VIDEO). Article published 5-24-2021 by Jim Hoft. “Last week a member of the Oath Keepers called The Gateway Pundit to tell us his story of the January 6th protests and riot. He is living in fear since the Jan. 6 protests at the US Capitol and wanted to get his story out”.
From Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch sues D.C. police, medical examiner for records related to Ashli Babbitt’s death. Article published 5-25-2021 by Judicial Watch. “Conservative activist group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit Monday demanding police and medical examiner investigations into the death of Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot by a U.S. Capitol Police officer during the Jan. 6 riot”.
Youtube Video: “Jan 6th Infiltrator Money Seized”. Posted 6-2-2021 by Natly Denise. Natly goes over published articles concerning John Sullivan.
Banned Video: “Bombshell Interview – Investigative Journalist Exposes F.B.I. Involvement In Capitol Riot”. Posted 6-11-2021 by FreeWorldNews.
Youtube Video: “Ashli Babbett’s Husband SUES D.C. Police For Name Of Officer Who Killed Her”. Posted 6-12-2021 by Rekieta Law.
Youtube Video: “Jan 6th…It Starts Unraveling”. Posted 6-17-2021 by Natly Denise. Natly covers recent revelations about FBI involvement in the Jan. 6th “siege” on the U.S. Capitol Building.…%20it%20starts%20unraveling.%20-%20YouTube.mp4?dl=0
Youtube Video: “Tucker Carlson Questions FBI Capitol Involvement”. Posted 6-20-2021 by Podcast of the Lotus Eaters.
Youtube Video: “Louie Gohmert Suggests Federal Agents Were Behind Capitol Attack”. Posted 6-17-2021 by Forbes Breaking News. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) spoke on the House floor about the January 6th insurrection and promoted a conspiracy theory that federal agents, including the FBI, were involved in planning and instigating the attack, saying that they “egged on” rioters.
Banned Video: “Pelosi And High Ranking General Exposed In January 6th Set Up”. Posted 6-26-2021 by Stew Peters.
From Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch Sues FBI for Records on Alleged Transfer of Bank Financial Data of Every Person in Washington, DC Area around January 6. Article published 7-6-2021 by Judicial Watch. (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the United States Department of Justice for records of communication between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and several financial institutions about the reported transfer of financial transactions made by people in DC, Maryland and Virginia on January 5 and January 6, 2021 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:21-cv-01216)). Last week, the FBI refused to confirm or deny any such records exist”.
Banned Video: “NEW VIDEO FBI Protecting Black Clad Provocateurs Who Led Jan 6th Attack”. Posted 7-13-2021 by The Alex Jones Show.
Youtube Video: “NEW Ashli Babbitt Shooting Documents, Fetal Organ “Chop Shop” Exposed”. Posted 8-9-2021 by Judicial Watch. From a post underneath this video: “Why every man surrounding Ashley Babbitt was not arrested and identified is very revealing, individuals identified some as ANTIFA-BLM wearing maga hats and some as FBI informants/agents. The fact people outside or nowhere near Ashley were arrested and are being held indefinitely while those that broke out the glass Ashley was encouraged to go through were simply ignored is beyond revealing. Their whole premise for killing her was that area was very sensitive, so not arresting any of those unidentified men should be enough to go on all by itself period!”
Youtube Video: “Never Before Seen Footage Of The Jan 6th Insurrection That Almost Destroyed Democracy”. Posted 9-27-2021 by Memeology. Video surveillance footage from inside the Capitol on Jan. 6th, 2021.
Banned Video: “Military Insider Exposes Federal Involvement In Overseeing Jan 6th False Flag”. Posted 1-6-2022 by The Alex Jones Show.
Youtube Video: “EXCLUSIVE Ashli Babbitt Docs FIRST UNCOVERED by Judicial Watch!”. Posted 1-20-2022 by Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell appeared on “Weekly Briefing” on OAN to discuss our exclusive, never-before-seen records about the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt on January 6 last year.
Youtube Video: “Pelosi Congress Hides 1/6 Videos Under “Sovereign Immunity” Privilege”. Posted 2-7-2022 by Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch announced it filed an opposition to the U.S. Capitol Police’s (USCP) effort to shut down Judicial Watch’s federal lawsuit for January 6 videos and emails. Through its police department, Congress argues that the videos and emails are not public records, there is no public interest in their release, and that “sovereign immunity” prevents citizens from suing for their release.
Bitchute Video: “What Happened On Jan. 6 – Rudy Giuliani – Mirror Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense 1-20-2021”. Posted 3-26-2022. This video was originally posted to Giuliani’s Common Sense Youtube channel (since taken down by Youtube).
Youtube Video: “BOMBSHELL Adam Schiff Caught Faking Evidence To Incriminate Trump Associate”. Posted 4-20-2022 by Liberal Hivemind.
Youtube Video: “Pelosi Congress Hides 16 Videos Under ‘Sovereign Immunity’ Privilege”. Posted 4-23-2022 by Judicial Watch.
Banned Video: “J6 PROOF Of A Cover-Up Unseen Footage”. Posted 4-26-2022 by Jan 6th Protest And Save America March.
Youtube Video: “Biden Falsely Claims Jan 6 Rioters Killed Police Officers”. Posted 6-2-2022 by The Jimmy Dore Show.
Youtube Video: “Democrats Sit Stunned as MTG Discusses New Facts That Have Come Out On Jan. 6”. Posted 6-10-2022 by Blaze TV.
Youtube Video: “New FACTS IMPLICATES Adam Schiff on Jan. 6 Committee Hearing, Watch Elise Stefanik Expose It All”. Posted 6-12-2022 by House Audit.
Youtube Video: “Capitol Police Chief Debunks J6 Committee Conspiracy Theory Claim Through Official Letter”. Posted 6-16-2022 by Facts Matter.
Youtube Video: “Jan6 Blown WIDE OPEN After Its Discovered Why These People Wore Rainbow Wristbands”. Posted 6-26-2022 by The Next News Network. Some more of the agitators and agents provocateurs from the Jan. 6th event at the U.S. Capitol.
Youtube Video: “Shenanigans Afoot”. Posted 6-28-2022 by Memeology 101. A repost of a video taken from CSPAN interview of Senate Sergeant-In-Arms Michael Stenger from Feb. of 2021. Mr. Stenger died 1 day before the J6 Committee was set to call for a surprise hearing to discuss newly uncovered evidence (June 2022).
Banned Video: “January 6th Deception Explodes”. Posted 8-30-2022 by The Bowne Report. The continuing saga of the fake “Jan 6 Hearings”.
Youtube Video: “Did The FBI Instigate The Jan. 6th Riots?” Posted 9-21-2022 by The Jimmy Dore Show.
Youtube Video: “January 6 Capitol Riot Mastermind”. Posted 10-2-2022 by Forbes Breaking News. Tom Macioszek exposes Ray Epps.
Youtube Video: “Jan6 Was An Inside Job”. Posted 10-14-2022 by Millennial Millie”. MM delves into recently discovered information.
Banned Video: “BREAKING Ray Epps Admits He Orchestrated Jan6 In Court Documents”. Posted 12-30-2022 by The Alex Jones Show.
Youtube Video: “J6 The Museum Tour That Shook The World”. Posted 1-2-2023 by The Truth Factory.
Banned Video: “Tucker Carlson Jan 6 Exposé Part 1”. Posted On Fox News 3-7-2023. This was the footage that Fox News broadcast about the Jan. 6th debacle showing it to be, minus the agents provocateurs that were mixed in with the crowd, a fairly peaceful event. Airing this footage is what more than likely cost Tucker his job at Fox.
Youtube Video: “UNCENSORED Video Footage Proves Jan6 Was A Lie Ep.288”. Posted 3-7-2023 by Liz Wheeler.
Bitchute Video: “JANUARY 6TH FOOTAGE RELEASED – ABSOLUTELY APPALLING! Ep. 3355”. 8AM The Resistance 1776. Posted 3-7-2023 by Pete Santilli.
Bitchute Video: “Leaked Jan 6th Videos Fox is not allowing to be seen”. Posted 3-8-2-23 by JoshWho.
Youtube Video: “I’m Shaking And Crying, You Guys…Jan 6th Was Just Like The Civil War”. Posted 3-8-2023 by Memeology 101. A reporter asks the White House spokeswoman and new career bullshitter Karine Jean-Pierre about Tucker Carlson’s release of Jan 6th footage inside the Capitol building.…January%206th%20Was%20Just%20Like%20The%20Civil%20War%21%20Memeology%20101%20Bit.mp4?dl=0
Bitchute Video: “Mitch McConnel SLAMS Tucker Carlson, Says Releasing Jan 6th Footage Was A Mistake”. Posted 3-8-2023 by Timcast IRL.
Youtube Video: “NOOO! Showing Unseen Jan 6th Footage To The Public Will Destroy America! You Must Stop!”. Posted 3-8-2023 by Memeology 101. Some more of the two-faced Democrat Jewish Senator “Chucky” Schumer.
Bitchute Video: “EXCLUSIVE See The Jan 6th Footage The Dems Do Not Want Tucker Carlson To Air”. Posted 3-11-2023 by Conservative Politics.
Bitchute Video: “Censored video re-emerges showing WEAPONS being handed out from INSIDE the capitol”. Posted 3-11-2023 by ThebigawakeningQ.
Bitchute Video: “FBI Asked Under Oath If They Did Jan 6th Answer Leaves Everyone SILENT”. Posted 3-18-2023 Benny Johnson levtcs 3-19-2023. Features Paul Cruz.
Youtube Video: “The FBI lied to us, Jan 6th crowd was crawling with feds, UNAIRED leaked interview reveals”. Posted 8-5-2023 by Memeology 101.
Population Control And Top-down Governance
*Note: Dr. Henry C. Kinley remarked in classes back in the late 1950’s that mankind in general was approaching a time when warfare would change from physical to psychological. This psychological warfare has surfaced, especially late in this Kingdom Age, as “psyops” being run against people with an eye to sow discord, anger, humiliation and confusion among them. These psychological operations actually have been planned well in advance and written about – if you know where to look. On this website I have devoted a section in The American Empire 1 to “Psywar” and you should give that a read. This is what Fascist, Communist and totalitarian regimes have been doing for decades yet now have accelerated to unbeforeseen levels. And this is being done currently to a dumbed-down American populace who gullibly believe whatever the TV news tells them, even when this same propagandized news goes contrary to their own morals and ethics. Do not forget the words of Yahshua the Messiah when asked about the signs of the end of the age, which end-times they were living in then just as today:
“Then they will hand you over to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. And at that time many will fall away, and they will betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will rise up and mislead many people. And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will become cold. But the one who endures to the end is the one who will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matt 24:9-14, NASB).
Always remember this one salient fact: governments whether despotic, monarchial, democratic, socialist/communist, capitalist or whatever, have used their positions as a “Wealth Grab” or a “Cash Grab” to enrich themselves at the public’s expense. They do this through endless taxes, fees, fines, levies, appropriations, pork-barrel spending additions to Congressional Bills, confiscations and garnishments and outright theft of public funds.
Video: “Preparations Have Already Begun”. Posted 6-25-2020 by London Real. An interview with David Icke who lays out the global plan to keep people fearful and distracted.
Youtube Video: “Bill Gates And The Population Control Grid”. Posted 5-17-2020 by The Corbett Report. An examination of the “Rich Friends” propaganda.
Youtube Video: “Jim Mars And ‘Population Control’ in Toronto Canada”. Posted 11-7-2018. Jim Mars reveals what’s going on behind the scenes.
Youtube Video: “World Economic Forum leads a ‘concerted effort’ for global socialism: Bernardi”. Posted 2-21-2021 by Sky News Australia. Comments on the WEF by Cory Bernardi.
From Mercola: The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny. Article published 9-30-2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola. A further examination of the WEF’s plan to reduce mankind to serfdom.
Youtube Video: “The Manufacturing Of A Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return To An Insane World”. Posted 4-24-2021 by Academy of Ideas. “Diseases of the Mind” explained.
Video: “The Takeover Has Already Begun – A Secret Video Reveals ALL By Richard Grannon”. Accessed 6-4-2021 by 21 Studios. Richard details some of the psychological tricks used in modern times by governments to manipulate and coerce public opinion.
Youtube Video: “How The Greater Good Is Used As A Tool For Social Control”. Posted 6-5-2021 by Academy Of Ideas. “Defund the Police” because they kill too many people, “Gun Control That Saves Lives” and “Common Sense Gun Legislation” because of the many acts of violence perpetrated by criminals using firearms, and “Judicial Reform” because of the tens of thousands of criminals who are put into an endless washing machine cycle of arrests, bail, conviction, probation, fines and restitution because “they can’t afford it”. These are some of the psychological tricks used in the U.S. today to affect public opinion.
Youtube Video: “WHAT THE G7 GLOBAL MINIMUM TAX MEANS FOR YOU”. Posted 6-5-2021 by The Dave Hodges Show. Dave breaks down in part, what this new ‘minimum tax’ means for business owners and ultimately governments. It’s a wealth grab people.
Youtube Video: “Biden Keeps Trump’s Tax Cuts For The Wealthy”. Posted 6-8-2021 by The Jimmy Dore Show. Remember the ‘Wealth Grab’.
Bitchute Video: “PSYOP THE STEAL”. Posted 4-2021. This is is the full documentary made by Millie Weaver (aka Millennial Millie), which exposes the huge psychological game played by elements of the Democratic Party to steal the 2020 Presidential election, and then lie about it afterwards.
Youtube Video: “Carlson Stupid People Have Taken Control Of Our Government”. Posted 6-7-2021 by Fox News.
Youtube Video: “They Are Playing For Keeps”. Posted 6-9-2021 by Johnny B.
Youtube Video: “Victor Davis Hanson Explains the Breakdown of Order in Society | CLIP | American Thought Leaders”. Posted 6-28-2021 by American Thought Leaders. Amid the pandemic, government lockdowns, the aftermath of the death of George Floyd and a tumultuous election, Victor Davis Hanson explains what he calls a “collective madness” that has taken hold in the US since last year.
Youtube Video: “Meet The World Economic Forum”. Posted 6-11-2021 by The Corbett Report.
Banned Video: “World Economic Forum Announces Global Corporate Lockdown Of Free Speech”. Posted 7-2-2021 by Alex Jones.
The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills, Oxford University Press 1956. 2000. “The power elite is composed of men whose positions enable them to transcend the ordinary environments of ordinary men and women; they are in positions to make decisions having major consequences. Whether they do or do not make such decisions is less important than the fact that they do occupy such pivotal positions: their failure to act, their failure to make decisions, is itself an act that is often of greater consequence than the decisions they do make. For they are in command of the major hierarchies and organizations of modern society. They rule the big corporations. They run the machinery of the state and claim its prerogatives. They direct the military establishment. They occupy the strategic command posts of the social structure, in which are now centered the effective means of the power and the wealth and the celebrity which they enjoy”.
From LifeSite: Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists’ ‘Great Reset’ agenda. Article published 11-10-2020 by Lianne Laurence. “November 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — The COVID-19 pandemic was manufactured by the world’s elites as part of a plan to globally advance “transhumanism” — literally, the fusion of human beings with technology in an attempt to alter human nature itself and create a superhuman being and an “earthly paradise,” according to a Peruvian academic and expert in technology. This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, but an integral part of the proposed post-pandemic “Great Reset,” Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny said at a recent summit on COVID-19. Indeed, to the extent that implementing the transhumanist agenda is possible, it requires the concentration of political and economic power in the hands of a global elite and the dependence of people on the state, said Lukacs”.
From Silview Media: PULITZER-WORTHY! Klaus Schwab’s NAZI roots FINALLY TRACED! Article accessed 7-17-2021, published by Silviu Costinescu. “Our discoveries about Klaus Schwab should prove beyond question that WEF is utterly fraudulent and an enemy of all humanity. WEF meets every year in early February in Davos, Switzerland to map out their dystopic plans. We will show below that they are criminal, inhuman frauds. We will also show that Klaus Schwab is a sociopath with pathological mommy issues. We have learned with these corruptocrat biographies that the information they hide is always highly instructive to their true characters”.
Also: Klaus Schwab Is The Great Barker Of The Fourth Reich. Article published 3-15-2021 by Americans For Innovation.
Banned Video: “The Banking Cartel’s School For Judas Goats”. Posted 12-15-2021 by The Reese Report. Details in part the establishment of the “School for Young Global Leaders” begun by Klaus Schwab in 1992, which has overseen the rise of such political traitors as Gavin Newsom, Angela Merkel, Jacindra Ardern, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Gates, etc.
The Rair Foundation website:
Youtube Video: “Road to World Government – G. Edward Griffin”. Posted 10-24-2012. Road To World Government – G. Edward Griffin, the world’s most renowned expert on the Federal Reserve and the New World Order will share how the super Rich of the World have organized to create a New World Order that they will control. * This is an accurate quick understanding of reality. If elections are to cause real change, we must understand reality. Until enough understand exactly how they have been lied to their entire lives by government, school, and the mainstream media, the agenda to destroy Liberty will continue. * Waking people is our only hope to save America/ourselves/our children and it’s all here, everything to open anyone’s mind to reality that will unravel a lifetime of indoctrination.
Global Tyranny…Step By Step. Book published 1992 by Western Islands. From the Intro: “”The Bush Administration,” Time magazine noted on September 17, 1990, “would like to make the U.N. a cornerstone of its plans to construct a New World Order.” That observation merely stated the obvious. In his speech to the nation and the world on September 11, 1990, Mr. Bush stated: “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge….” He proceeded to announce his hopes for “a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.” It became abundantly clear to veteran students of “world order” politics that a major new push for world government had begun. Only a few years ago, any such attempt would have flopped miserably. During the 1970s and 80s, the UN’s record as an enclave of spies, a sinkhole of corrupt spendthrifts, and an anti-American propaganda forum for terrorists, Third World dictators, and Communist totalitarians, had thoroughly tarnished its carefully manufactured image as mankind’s “last best hope for peace.”
Banned Video: “Great Reset – Multinational Corporations Exempt From Quarantine Laws”. Posted by The American Journal. A look into what the British Government is doing to facilitate corporations into not complying with Covid quarantine regulations, which everyone else is required to abide by.
Banned Video: “Locksteppin’ 1999. Posted 9-22-2021 by Jamie Dlux.
Banned Video: “Leo Zagami Reveals The Occult Roots Behind The Great Reset”. Posted 1-4-2022 by The American Journal.
From Greg Palast: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Published 2012. An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth about Globalization, Corporate Cons and High Finance Fraudsters.
From This Is the Number of Innocent People Murdered by Governments. Are You Anti-State Yet? Article published 5-15-2014 by J.D. Tuccille. Article features charts and graphs.
Youtube Video: “The US Is Run By A Financial Oligarchy – The Ruling Elite, Money And The Illusion Of Progress”. Posted 7-12-2021 by The Film Archives. An interview with Lewis Lapham from 1993 on CSPAN.
The Conflict of the Ages by Arno Clemens Gaebelein, D.D. The Mystery Of Lawlessness: It’s Origin, Historic Development and Coming Defeat. A work by a known theologian with a very pro-Christian stance.
Banned Video: “Biden’s DHS Launches The Most Dangerous Attack On Free Speech In US History”. Posted 2-8-2022 by The American Journal.
Bitchute Video: “Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove”. Posted 3-26-2022. This is a copy of the video of Alex Jones exposing the Bohemian Grove complex and what goes on behind the scenes, originally released in 2000. To quote former U.S. President Richard M. Nixon: “It was the most faggoty god damn thing you ever saw”.
From Antimedia: The Real Story of Zbigniew Brezinski That The Media Isn’t Telling You. Article by Darius Shahtahmasebi 5-27-2017. “As the New York Times explains, Brzezinski’s “rigid hatred of the Soviet Union” guided much of America’s foreign policy “for better or worse.” From the Times:
“He supported billions in military aid for Islamic militants fighting invading Soviet troops in
Afghanistan. He tacitly encouraged China to continue backing the murderous regime of Pol Pot in
Cambodia, lest the Soviet-backed Vietnamese take over that country”.
Youtube Video: “The Rise Of America’s Secret Government The Devil’s Chessboard – Allen Dulles & The CIA (2015)”. Posted 8-11-2022 by The Memory Hole.
Bitchute Video: “All Wars Are Banker’s Wars”. Posted 11-25-2022 by Redpilledworld.
Bitchute Video: “Yuval Noah Harari – The Easiest People To Manipulate Are People Who Believe In Free Will”. Posted 3-2022 by Thrivetime Show. In this video you will see an associate of Klaus Schwab being a straight-up psychopath, and a Jewish queer one at that. This is why Yahweh has the entire Jewish religion in a state wherein if they lie, cheat, steal and act like this psychopath, NOBODY WILL ACCEPT THEM. Excepting of course their fellow sociopaths and degenerates.
Bitchute Video: “Yuval Noah Harari – What To Do With Useless People – My Recommendation Is Drugs And Video Games”. Posted 3-2022 by Thrivetime Show. What does the almighty do with these psychopaths, liars and the deviants of this world? I believe you all know the answer… 🥵.
The FBI Director Christopher Wray has taken aim at Patriot Americans with this outlandish memo.
From americasfrontlinenews: WARNING: You may be a Militia Violent Extremist. Article published by Yudi Sherman 8-3-2022.
Banned Video: “SENSATIONAL Censored From The Internet”. Posted 9-3-2022 by Most Banned Videos. Features many videos which have been taken down over the years concerning the media and journalism.
The 6-24-2021 Collapse Of The Champlain Towers South And Possible Connections To John McAfee’s Death
Photo above showing the “pancake effect” of floors in this condominium collapsing on top of each other. McAfee Anti-Virus Founder John McAfee is supposed to have a condo in this building, which allegedly contained information about the U.S. Government’s illegal spying activities.
Banned Video: “John McAfee Exposes Government Agenda To Use StingRay Spy Tech On Americans”. Posted 6-28-2021 by The Alex Jones Show. On 03/20/2015, John McAfee joined Alex Jones to discuss his project to combat government over reach as they attempt to spy on innocent Americans.
Youtube Video: “Miami Condo Collapse Curiosities”. Posted 6-27-2021 by Natly Denise. From a post underneath this video: “The truth is that building had something to do about McAfee. Buildings DO NOT IMPLODE fall. The video shows that it did. That was the work of explosives placed inside in key spots and detonated”. And: “I told my friend that it reminded me too much of an implosion and thought of the twin tower parking garage bombing. Like bailey sarian would say…”SUSPISH!””. Note that currently as of 6-30-2021 the experts are saying that this pancake-style collapse began in the underground parking structure because of “saltwater intrusion”.
From Salten News: Tweet sparks conspiracy theories linking John McAfee’s death to Miami condo collapse. Article posted 6-2021. Isn’t it strange that media sites are quick to label anything that gets to the truth of a matter as a ‘conspiracy theory’? That term was invented by the F.B.I. in the 1960’s to try and mislabel those who were investigating the fraudulent Warren Commission Report, and has been used against 9/11 researchers ever since…and is now used to slander those investigating this bizarre condo collapse.
Youtube Video: “Surveillance Video Captures Eerie Scene As Part Of Surfside Condo Building Collapses”. Posted 6-29-2021 by WPLG Local 10. Does this collapse look “natural” to you? Or does it remind you of the collapses of the two World Trade Center buildings into their own footprint?
Banned Video: “$WHACKD”. Posted 6-25-2021 by Greg Reese. Exposes what went on behind the scenes of John McAfee’s supposed ‘suicide’.
Banned Video: “John McAfee From The Grave: I Did Not Kill Myself”. Posted 6-28-2021 by Free World News. Alex Jones breaks down various particulars of John McAfee’s “suicide”.
From The Intercept: HOW COPS CAN SECRETLY TRACK YOUR PHONE. A guide to stingray surveillance technology, which may have been deployed at recent protests. Article published 7-31-2020 by Kim Zetter. A press release from the Justice Department at the end of May revealed that the Drug Enforcement Agency and U.S. Marshals Service were asked by the Justice Department to provide unspecified support to law enforcement during protests. A few days later, a memo obtained by BuzzFeed News offered a little more insight on the matter; it revealed that shortly after protests began in various cities, the DEA had sought special authority from the Justice Department to covertly spy on Black Lives Matter protesters on behalf of law enforcement”.
Youtube Video: “John McAfee FOUND DEAD In Spanish Prison Cell, He Didn’t Kill Himself And Here’s PROOF”. Posted 7-4-2021 by Mr. Obvious.
Youtube Video: “Body camera video of Surfside Building collapse part 3”. Posted 8-8-2021 by NewsNationNow. In this video you will see an interview being conducted by a Daytona Beach police officer of a Black woman who survived the collapse of the Champlain towers and who subsequently reveals what she HEARD outside early that morning – two “booms” and what she describes as a ‘pperrrrt’ sound effect (the staccato small explosions normally heard in building demolitions).
The F*ck Joe Biden Phenomenon
Bitchute Video: “Protesters chant fuck Joe Biden and de Blasio outside the New York Department of Education”. Posted 8-10-2021 by Liberum Aritrium.
Video: “Biden Leaving”. Posted 9-14-2021 by Commies Are Horrible. Biden leaving an event, in armored limousines followed by armed security and ambulances…
Video: “Biden Comes To Colorado”. Posted 9-15-2021. Some more of Biden’s “supporters”.
Video: “Crowd Screams Fuk You And Traitor At The US President’s Motorcade”. Posted 9-17-2021 by Emperor Gaming.
Bitchute Video: “FUCK JOE BIDEN!” Posted 10-5-2021 by Global Skeptic.
Youtube Video: “Trump Supporters Invade Tiny Biden Rally, Chant F Joe Biden! In Long Beach, CA”. Posted 10-5-2021 by Armen Rezz. You can hear Biden jabbering in the background.
Youtube Video: “THOUSANDS Of Trump Supporters Welcome Joe Biden To Long Beach, CA”. Posted 10-5-2021 by Armen Rezz. Joe Biden getting an earful from unhappy people…
Youtube Video: “Joe Biden Responds To ‘FK Joe Biden’ Signs In Michigan”. Posted 10-17-2021 by The DC Shorts. Joe Biden: “That’s why 81 million Americans voted for me. The largest in American history. Clear majority”. Wouldn’t know that by your lukewarm welcomes and hostile crowds there Joe…
Bitchute Video: “A kid shouts ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP’ at Joe Biden’s wife-LOL-They are much loved-Loved to be Gone”. Posted 11-30-2021 by XAndrewX. A kid shouting at Jill Biden while she reads something in a classroom.
Banned Video: “Biden Gets F U Salute When He Arrives In Massachusetts”. Posted 7-22-2022 by The War Room.
Bitchute Video: FJB”. Posted 8-11-2022 by Paint The Trump. Ol’ Joe getting an earful at some event.
Youtube Video: “They Can’t Stop It Now, It’s Coming”. Posted 8-11-2023 by docrich. Ex-President Obama, a man known for his signature dishonesty, gets an earful at some event by people chanting ‘fuck Joe Biden’.
Lest We Forget: Youtube Video: “Was He Telling Us Their Plan”. Posted 8-13-2023 by docrich. In this video recorded at some high-level event, Obama boasts about filling the news media with ‘so much raw sewage’ that people won’t know what to think. A vary deceitful man spilling the beans…
The Fictitious “Steele Dossier” And Hillary Clinton’s Efforts To Slander Donald J. Trump
Youtube Video: “Hillary Clinton Paid For The Steele Dossier And Then Filled It With Rubbish”. Posted 11-8-2021 by Sky News Australia.
Confidential /Sensitive Source. Company Intelligence Report 2016/80. “The Steele Dossier”.
State Department’s Handwritten Notes Of Meeting With Christopher Steele. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Dept. of State Case No. F-2018-04736 Doc No. C06751858 Date: 05-06-2019.
The Mueller Report: Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election. Volume I of II Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III Submitted Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 600.8(c). Washington, D.C. March 2019. “The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month.
Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in
October and November”. This false ‘report’ on Russian influence in the 2016 Presidential elections was prompted by WikiLeak’s publishing of the Podesta Papers and other documents related to Hillary Clinton in 2016-2017. Those leaks were NOT from the Russians, but from one of the DNC’s own…Seth Rich who was afterwards assassinated in July of 2016.
The Podesta Emails Can Be Accessed Here:
Robert Mueller: Unmasked. By Congressman Louie Gohmert. “My goal was to share some first-hand information as other Republican Members of Congress had requested, adding, “You seem to know so much about him.” This article is prepared from my viewpoint to help better inform the reader about the Special Prosecutor leading the effort to railroad President Donald J. Trump through whatever
manufactured charge he can allege. Judging by Mueller’s history, it doesn’t matter who he has to threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get someone to be willing to allege something—anything—about our current President, it certainly appears Mueller will do what it takes to bring down his target, ethically, or unethically, based on my findings”.
Youtube Video: “Why Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Debbie Wasserman Shultz Are Felons”. Posted 3-17-2017 by The Truth Factory. The Cat exposes three of the more criminal elements of the DNC.
From: UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. RICO COMPLAINT. Case 1:18-cv-01422 Document 1 Filed 06/15/18 Page 1 of 210. Suit brought by GARY J. BYRNE/ GJB, LLC , against: THE CLINTON FOUNDATION a/k/a Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, THE CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE, THE CLINTON GUISTRA ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP, CORRECT THE RECORD, AMERICAN BRIDGE 21st CENTURY, CITIZENS FOR RESPONSIBILITY AND ETHICS IN WASHINGTON (CREW), SHAREBLUE, Corporation Trust Company Registered Agent for True Blue Media, LLC, DAVID BROCK, WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, GEORGE SOROS, JOHN PODESTA, JONATHAN WACKROW, etc. As will be referenced below, allegations contained within this RICO Case Statement and RICO Complaint are based upon good faith information and belief. [RICO stands for the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970].
Youtube Video: “Hillary Clinton Denies Knowing Democrat Operative Linked To Inciting Violence At Trump Rallies”. Posted 4-7-2022 by Project Veritas. Part of the exposing of Bob Creamer.
From Consortium News: The Real Mueller-Gate Scandal. Article published 5-14-2019 by Craig Murray. “Craig Murray blasts the special counsel for naming and condemning people without ever interviewing them. Special Counsel Robert Mueller is either a fool, or deeply corrupt. I do not think he is a fool. I did not comment instantly on the Mueller report as I was so shocked by it, I have been waiting to see if any other facts come to light in justification. Nothing has. I limit myself here to that area of which I have personal knowledge — the leak of Democratic National Committee and John Podesta emails
to WikiLeaks. On the wider question of the corrupt Russian having business dealings with the corrupt Western, all I have to say is that if you believe that is limited in the U.S. by party political boundaries, you are a fool”.
Youtube Video: “Hillary Clinton APPROVED Sharing Fake Trump Russia Story With Media”. Posted 5-20-2022 by Anthony Brian Logan.
Youtube Video: “HUGE! The Wall Street Journal TURNS ON Clinton, Releases Article Confirming She’s Guilty!” Posted 5-24-2022 by The Liberal Hivemind.
Youtube Video: “Hillary Clinton EXPOSED in Russia-gate hoax”. Posted 5-25-2022 by Redacted.
Youtube Video: “Viral Video Exposes Hillary Clinton Spreading Disinformation About Russia”. Posted 5-29-2022 by The Jimmy Dore Show.
Youtube Video: “How Hillary personally oversaw one of Russiagate’s biggest fakes”. Posted 6-28-2022 by The Grayzone.
Youtube Video: “FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million over dossier”. Posted 10-11-2022 by Fox News. Yes the fake dossier of Trump’s alleged involvement with the Russians made Mr. Steele $1 million dollars richer…
The Durham Report. From the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Special Counsel, John H. Durham. 5-12-2023. REPORT ON MATTERS RELATING TO INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES AND INVESTIGATIONS ARISING OUT OF THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS.
The Infamous “Frazzledrip” Videos And Hillary Clinton’s And Huma Abedin’s Alleged Involvement
Bitchute Video: “HILLARY CLINTON TORTURE VIDEO FRAZZLEDRIP (Not Picture Footage)”. Posted 8–2020 by brentjones (published 5-5-2020 by McAllister TV. Features an interview with a man who watched both of the snuff videos with the alleged participation of of Hillary in them.
Bitchute Video: “Graphic – Hillary Clinton – Frazzledrip – Satanic Ritual Murder Sacrifice- A Dark Web Video”. Posted 10-20-2022 by XAndrewX. Although the content (seen via screenshots) of the real Frazzledrip video, if it even exists, has been mired in controversy since about 2016, the subject of ritual murder does take place in the US and abroad. Whether Hillary Clinton ever has had anything to do with it is a matter of speculation.
Bitchute Video: “Source: Trump Has Frazzledrip – Listen to Eyewitness Jessie Czebotar describe what she witnessed”. Posted 9-28-2022 by Falcon’s Cafe.
Bitchute Video: “Dark facts about Hillary Clinton – frazzledrip”. Posted 4-23-2023 by levtcs.
The 2-28-1997 North Hollywood Shootout
A diorama of the two bank robbers showing their weapons, body armor and the white car they drove.
*Note: this site’s Admin had personally met the two Bank of America robbers, Larry E. Phillips and Emil Matasareanu. Larry was a braggadocious fellow, always talking about investments he had made, while Emil was a quieter type, and said little. Prior to my meeting them late in 1993, they had robbed an armored car in Colorado, which is where they initially got their money from. They owned a house in Pasadena, CA next door to the plant nursery where I did business, and I was introduced to them by one of the nursery employees, who at the time confided to me: “I don’t know what these guys are into but it doesn’t sound good”. They drove around in a brand new custom black Jaguar with gold trim, and wore the latest expensive clothes. Later, after making a series of heists between 1995 and ’96 in the which they had acquired well over 2 million dollars, they foolishly tried to take down the B of A at 6600 Laurel Canyon Blvd in North Hollywood, CA., on February 28th, 1997.
Youtube Video: “LAPD North Hollywood shootout training video, Pt 1”. Posted 2-4-2011. Part one of LAPD training video for the 1997 North Hollywood shootout following a robbery of a Bank of America branch. This video bears no copyright notice, and is considered public domain.
Youtube Video: “LAPD North Hollywood shootout training video, Pt 2”. Part two of LAPD training video for the 1997 North Hollywood shootout following a robbery of a Bank of America branch. Sorry for the quality, converted from VHS.
Youtube Video: “North Hollywood Bank Shootout February 28, 1997”. Raw footage from the North Hollywood Bank Shootout. The North Hollywood shootout was an armed confrontation between two heavily armed and armored bank robbers and officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in the North Hollywood district of Los Angeles on February 28, 1997. Both robbers were killed, eleven police officers and seven civilians were injured, and numerous vehicles and other property were damaged or destroyed by the nearly 2,000 rounds of ammunition fired by the robbers and police.
Youtube Video: “1997 North Hollywood Shootout Police Cars”. Posted 8-5-2014 by resqtime579. This video is about the North Hollywood Shootout in Bank of America. Here are some vehicles, and the damaged police cars with many bullet holes. There were about 2,000 bullets shot that day from the robbers and police officers.
Youtube Video:”North Hollywood shootout: Daily News photographer Gene Blevins remembers”. Posted 2-28-2012 by LosAngelesDailyNews. On the 15th anniversary of the North Hollywood bank shootout Daily News Photographer Gene Blevins talks about his experiences documenting LAPD officers and two bank robbers armed with assault rifles as they shot it out for 44 minutes.
#Subset Topic: The October 2016 Shooting Of Fugitive Michael Vance

Video: “Oklahoma Trooper, Michael Vance Shooting, 4 Cams”. Originally posted by the old VideoLeak channel. This video features one of the rare instances caught on video, where police used an automatic weapon to take down a violent subject who was himself armed with a semi-auto rifle. From CBS News: “LEEDEY, Okla. — A massive, weeklong manhunt for a suspect in a string of violent crimes, including the killing and apparent near decapitations of two relatives, the shooting of two police officers and multiple carjackings, ended Sunday evening in a police chase and shootout that left the man dead in western Oklahoma. Authorities said Michael Dale Vance Jr., 38, was shot and killed by an Oklahoma state trooper near Leedey, Oklahoma, about 130 miles northwest of Oklahoma City”.
Youtube Video: “Dashcam video: Michael Dale Vance Jr. Pursuit”. Posted 11-1-2016 by The Oklahoman. Footage released by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol of the pursuit and shooting of Michael Dale Vance Jr. *Note the Trooper firing through his windshield at Mr. Vance, without wearing any eye protection to shield him from glass shards flying around inside his car.
The car that Bonney & Clyde were driving when it was shot up by Texas and Louisiana State police near Sailes Louisiana 5-23-1934. As was similarly the case with M. Vance above, police that shot up Bonney & Clyde used semi-automatic rifles, an automatic BAR and shotguns. There are 167 bullet holes in this car.
Youtube Video: “1934 Death of Bonnie and Clyde”. Posted 7-14-2020 by Shows a re-enactment of the May 23rd, 1934 gunning down of America’s two most wanted criminals.
Youtube Video: “Police shootout on I-15 part 2”. Posted 1-10-2018 by The Salt Lake Tribune. Another video of in this case a Utah County Sheriff’s deputy firing on a driver with an automatic rifle. Utah County Sheriff’s Office released dash cam footage on Wednesday that shows a police shootout and chase end with a driver crashing into a fence on Interstate 15 on Dec. 20.
Youtube Video: “Real Footage Of The Shootout Between Cops & Christopher Dorner In Big Bear”. Posted 2-13-2013 by mannyGTV2. Another incident where both the gunman and swat used automatic weapons.
The California Disease Epidemic
Youtube Video: “California Diseases Are SKYROCKETING, Killing Infants, It Is Devolving Into A “Third World”. Posted 10-9-2019 by Timcast.
Internet/Phone Scams – What To Be Aware Of
Youtube Video: “This is why you never let anyone remotely access your computer”. Posted 8-4-2018 by Jim Browning. These are refund scammers. They just want to refund you. What’s the worst that could happen? Here, I am observing what scammers will do to try to get money out of their victim. It’s not an easy watch. “Jim Browning” is an online advocate for anti-scammer action. He uses software to peek into scammer’s computers and phones, that allows him to view everything that they are doing….
Youtube Video: “The Bank Login Scam (Part 1)”. Posted 7-14-2018 by Jim Browning. Following a cold call from “BT” a scammer tried to get me to login to my bank… as he watched. Too bad he got greedy though…
Youtube Video: “The bank login scam: Part 2 – Ratting a scammer”. Posted 7-18-2018 by Jim Browning. After a cold call, a scammer stole a file from me and ran it, thinking it was banking information. It was not what he expected. It revealed the depths to which these scammers will stoop to get money. Although Jim Browning is based in the U.K., his warnings are international in scope.
Youtube Video: “The bank login scam: Part 3 – Identifying the scammers”. The final part of the bank login scam. Now that I have access to the scammer’s PC, I can see how their scams work, what their phone call data looks like and who they are.
Youtube Video: “SCAMMER’S FACEBOOK HACKED!!! – Indian Scammer Hacked”. Posted 7-10-2019 by Malcolm Merlyn. This is what happens when you piss off Anonymous, they will take over your data call centers and shut down the phone systems, install viruses that allow them to observe every move you make, and hack your Facebook accounts! Yes these things can be done but I seriously recommend that nobody watching this video attempt to duplicate what you see others do. It may be illegal and certainly will bring down retaliation upon you if you are discovered.
Youtube Video: “Making life hell for TomTom scammers”. Posted 4-3-2020 by Jim Browning. This group of scammers have set up 10 fake websites and have managed to get these websites to list high up on Google’s search engine thanks to some black-hat SEO operations. But unusually, they also have online chat enabled on these websites. That gave me an idea to flood them with junk chats and I was able to record their reactions… I think it has pretty hilarious results.
Youtube Video: “Catching Money Mules ft. Mark Rober”. Posted 3-18-2021 by Jim Browning. Hi folks, this is the long awaited collaboration with Mark Rober! Money mules collect cash on behalf of scammers, keep some for themselves and pass the money on. But who are they and how do the avoid being caught? We find out using Mark’s glitter bomb 3.0 and a bit of digging on the scammers’ computers. It’s even possible to scam them back!
The NXIVM Cult
Keith Raniere
Youtube Video: “NXIVM Celebrity Cult”. Posted 3-14-2019 by The Truth Factory. Provides an in-depth overview of NXIVM and the creepy people who ran it.